Thursday, October 17, 2013


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again!  DRINK MORE WATER!!!  It is vital for our existence!  We could go over a month without food but would only survive a week without water.  Most people know that the body is made up of about 60% water and that every system in your body depends on water in order to function properly.  But did you know that water is amazing for your skin (the body’s largest organ)?!!  Drinking water helps to moisturize our skin, increase its elasticity and replenish skin cells and tissues. 
Think about raisins.  They were grapes once.  They lost their water.   
Which one would you rather be?  Personally….I’d rather be the hydrated grapes! J So drink up!  Meet at the water fountain and share a cold one with your co-workers!  CHEERS!!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

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