Thursday, October 17, 2013


Let’s face it….  Flexibility and stretching are like the red-headed stepchildren of the exercise world.  A lot of people tend to skip out on the stretching because it may seem boring or not as rewarding as cardio or strength training.  But it is VERY important to keep up your flexibility!  Flexibility helps to:
  • Prevent everyday injury such as: strains that occur when turning over in bed or getting out of bed; shoulder tweaks that result from doing tasks on the job that involve lifting or reaching; back aches due to transitioning to standing from sitting, bending down to pick something up, or even walking up and down the stairs.
  • Improve your posture.
  • Make playing with your kids and babies easier and less injurious.
  • Make cardio activity a lot lighter and easier.
  • Make travel more comfortable because of the ability to sit in many different positions and do things with your body in confined spaces you otherwise could not do.
  • Eliminate shortening of musculature and loss of range of motion. 
  • Aid in reducing muscle stiffness and soreness, and improves blood flow.
Flexibility is one of the first things to go as we get older.  Bend over to tie your shoes.  It used to be a little easier didn’t it?  Well there is good news!!!  Flexibility can be increased at any age!!! 
So how do you start?  It’s easy!  Make sure to do a quick warm-up first.  A 5-10 minute walk would be fine.  Muscles tend to stretch better when they are warm.  And then just start picking some of the following stretches.  Hold each stretch for about 15-30 seconds.  Don’t bounce.  Just hold and breath.  You may continue to be stiff for a couple of weeks but you should notice big improvements if you continue to add stretching into your schedule. 

For your lower body

For your upper body

For your back and torso

You will feel SOOO much better after you do this!  J  And if you’re ever curious about your hamstring and lower back flexibility come on down to the Rec Center!  We can test your flexibility with our Sit and Reach box! 
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend! 

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