Friday, October 18, 2013


A few weeks ago I wrote about spot reduction and how it is unfortunately just a myth.  If we want flat abs, we aren’t able to just crunch our way to a six pack.  Having said that…..having a strong CORE is very important!!!  Your core includes not only your abdominals and back, but also the deep, underlying muscles in your pelvis and hips.  Most of these muscles are hidden underneath other muscles.  The transverse abdominals are tucked away behind the rectus abdominals (those pretty six packs!) and encase your whole belly area.  And while those rectus abdominals may look nice….the transverse abdominals are the ones doing all the behind the scenes work.  They hold you upright and help protect all of those vital organs!  The same goes for other muscles like the erector spinae and pelvic floor muscles.  You can’t see them….but they are hard at work holding up your spine!  All of these core muscles work together to keep your trunk stable while the rest of your body is moving.  These muscles are the difference between a healthy and non-healthy back.  If your core muscles are weak, your body doesn’t work as effectively and other muscles have to pick up the slack.  This can result in injuries to the knees, shoulders and of course the back. 
So what can you do to strengthen your core?!!  Lots actually!  Do exercises that not only work your six pack muscles (like crunches) but also fire up your back, hips, pelvis and other abdominals!  Here are few simple ones to try!
Trunk Rotations
Planks – There are TONS of plank variations and modifications!!!
So there you have it!  Work on getting that strong core!  Your body will thank you for it!  J
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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