Thursday, October 17, 2013

Soulmate Workout

If you hang out at the Rec Center long enough, you may get a chance to see a gentleman whiz by on a stand up bike called the EllitiGO bike.  He rides it most days of the week.  It looks like this:  
After one of the assessments this week, I had the pleasure of talking with him about his bike.  It was so amazing hearing about the bike and what kind of a workout he gets from it.  So I took a second to picture myself on it.  Yikes!  (I’m not exactly the best on two wheeled rolling objects having wrecked a bicycle, moped and motorcycle!)  So stand up biking would not be my choice for a workout.  But for this guy, it is!!!  He devotes hours and hours each week to biking.  That’s awesome!!!  The same day I spoke with the man on the ElliptiGO, I saw a video of some people in the park doing a hoola hoop workout. 
They all looked like they were having a blast!  We’ve actually had several people ask us if we offered hooping classes here at the Rec Center.  Both of these things got me thinking about people and their workouts.  They have found what works for them.  A workout that they love and are passionate about.  They’ve found their “soulmate workout.” 

Every workout is made differently.  It’s made to appeal to different people.  Some people hate the thought of going to a gym and lifting weights, while others thrive on the smell of rubber mats and clanking metal.  Some people would go stir crazy during a yoga class, while others crave that time to center themselves.  Some people stink at team sports and anything considered athletic, while others will play anything as long as someone is keeping score.  My point is that there is something out there for everyone!  EVERYONE!!!  Don’t like group exercise?  Don’t do it!  Find a DVD to do at home or go on a walk, join a league, walk a dog, take belly dance, play pickleball, try Insanity, learn karate, dance, go wakeboarding, take Zumba, go for a hike, play tennis, take Tai Chi, play on the Wii or Kinect…..DO SOMETHING!!!  Keep trying something new and different until you find that one activity.  That one thing that doesn’t feel quite like exercise.  THEN….you’ve found your soulmate workout!  J  Let me know if you’ve found your soulmate workout and what it is!  I’d LOVE to hear about it!      
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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