Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Family Meal Time

Some people may think of eating together as a family as being old fashioned or cheesy.  Something off of an old TV show.
 In recent years the frequency of shared meals has decreased for American families.  This actually has a negative effect on people’s health and well-being.  Research has determined that if more families implemented shared meals into their daily routine, they would reap numerous benefits! 
  • Providing regular mealtimes is important for a child to achieve positive academic performance. Children who eat regularly with their parents are 40 percent more likely to earn higher grades in school than children who have less frequent family meals per week, according to a 10-year study by Columbia University. 
  • Family meals promote good health. Children who eat regularly with their families tend to eat more healthily and are less likely to develop obesity, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are also more likely to develop better table manners and social skills, which will help children adjust. 
  • Eating together provides stability and a point of reference for everyone's day, which makes concentrating on daily tasks, such as school, homework and sports, easier for children to accomplish. 
  • Many teenagers struggle to maintain a positive body image. Family meals can help. A five-year study published in the "IDEA Fitness Journal" reported that adolescent girls who eat regular family meals have a lower prevalence of anorexia and bulimia.
So try it!  Gather up the whole fam!  Turn off the television, video games, computer and cell phones!!!  Share stories about your day and ask your children questions.  Create an atmosphere of togetherness and give everyone an opportunity to share a few items about their day.  Plan ahead.  Let everyone have a chance to decide what’s for dinner!  And always stay positive!!!  If the results aren’t awesome to begin with just hang in there!   The more often a family eats together, the better the experience will be! 

Don’t forget to be logging your exercise times!  Have a great weekend!!!

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