Thursday, October 17, 2013


Dogapalooza is tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be beyoootiful!  In the high 60’s and SUNNY!  It’s actually supposed to be like that all weekend long!  It’s the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy the weekend by doing something active with your dog!  And even if you can’t make it to Dogapalooza….getting outside and playing with Fido is something that is great for both of you!  Lack of activity is a problem we have in our modern culture.  But our bodies (and Fido’s, too!) are designed to move!  Both man and his best friend were made to be hunters and to move and run to find new food sources.  But with the convenience of grocery stores, restaurants and 40 pound dog food bags….we’ve lost the need to track down food.  But our bodies still need that exercise!  So get your leash out and get outdoors!  Take your pup for a walk!  Throw around a Frisbee!  Play a game of fetch!  You could even downward dog with your dog!  Whatever it is….DO IT!!
Have a GREAT weekend!!! 

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