Friday, October 18, 2013


If you walk outside of the Rec Center today you will see lots of hustle and bustle and………….well………….MUD!  There are teams of workers and volunteers setting up for the Habitat for Humanity Mud Run!  The 3.1 mile race is tomorrow morning and sprinkled with 22 muddy, messy, sticky, icky obstacles!  And while it is too late to sign up for the Mud Run, I thought it was a good chance to point out all of the races coming up and why you should sign up for one!  It is definitely race season!  J
  • Fall Fun Fest is next weekend (September 6th and 7th).  That Saturday morning is the Fall Fun Run.  You can run the 5 or 10k.  Now here’s some GREAT news for City employees!!!  If you send in your application to the Rec Center TODAY, we will still honor the early bird price!  That means you only have to pay $30 instead of $40!  But this is just for City employees and won’t be available after today! 
  • The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is Sunday, September 22nd  and is a 5k.  The cost is $35 and there are tons of options to join teams, volunteer and donate!
  • The Walk This Way 5k for City of Cookeville and Cookeville Regional Medical Center employees is Friday, September 27th.  Don’t forget to sign up for this!  It’s only $15!!!  Let me know if you have any questions or need me to email you a registration form.
  • The Haunted Half Marathon is Saturday, October 19th and is $55 to register.  This race is a bit longer than a 5k.  It’s actually 13.1 miles.  But don’t let that keep you from signing up and creating a new goal! 
These are just a few of the many, many runs and walks out there.  There is literally something for everyone!  There are color runs, zombie walks, mud runs, glow runs, runs at night, etc.  And the cool thing is that the money from most of these races goes to support a wonderful cause!  So not only are you receiving all of the many health benefits of exercising, but you are also helping out!  It’s a double whammy benefit!  And on a personal note..…..each September I make it a point to participate in the Conquer Chiari Walk Across America in Knoxville.  Being a “zipperhead” myself (you can ask me all about what this is if you’re totally confused!), I find attending the event is one of the most meaningful and uplifting times of the year.  It’s a time to get out and be with people and share my experience!  I’m sure many of you can find that same sort of camaraderie at other events and races.  Like I said there are races for almost everything (MS Walk, Alzheimer’s Walk, The American Cancer Society, etc.)!  So don’t let the mileage intimidate you!  Take the plunge!  You can do it!    
    Have a WONDEFUL weekend!  Happy Labor Day!

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