Friday, October 18, 2013


It’s hard to go anywhere this time of the year without seeing fall décor.  There are mums, hay, corn, leaves, pinecones and of course….PUMPKINS!  But pumpkins aren’t just for pies and décor.  You can find pumpkins in all kind of goodies!  Pumpkin bread, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin risotto, pumpkin beer, pumpkin coffee creamer………The options are ENDLESS!!!  But did you know that pumpkins are actually good for you?  They are an awesome low-calorie food that is packed with nutrients!  Here are some health benefits of this delicious, orange goody!
  • It helps keep eyesight sharp! One cup of pumpkin has 200% of the RDA of Vitamin A which is great for our peepers!
  • It aids in weight loss! You may not believe this, but one cup of mashed pumpkin is only 49 calories!
  • It helps your heart! Pumpkin seeds are great source of a plant based chemical called phytosterols that help lower cholesterol. 
  • It lowers risk of cancer! Pumpkins are rich in beta carotene which can help reduce our risk of cancer.
  • It can protect your skin! Carotenoids, found in pumpkin, are helpful at keeping people wrinkle free.
  • It can boost your mood! Pumpkin is high in tryptophan which releases serotonin and makes you happy!
  • It boosts the immune system! Pumpkin is high in Vitamin C which is a well-known immune system booster.
Here are some delicious recipes to  enjoy this fall!!!
Pumpkin Pancakes 
Pumpkin Bread
Pasta with Pumpkin and Parmesan
Pumpkin Ravioli
Enjoy and have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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