Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Turban Tornado

A couple of months ago I saw this picture on Instagram and under it read: Life begins at 90.

 How cool is that?!  I LOVE IT!!!  Just yesterday I was telling someone about this picture and today he is one of the top stories on yahoo!  Apparently the world’s oldest marathoner, Fauja Singh, has decided to retire….at age 101.  Wow.  SPEECHLESS!!!  Here are some things I learned about Mr. Singh, also known as the Turban Tornado! 
  • He holds many world records for marathons including best time for 90+ age group at 5 hours and 40 mins.
  • He attributes his physical fitness to abstaining from smoking and eating a simple vegetarian diet.
  • He started competing in marathons at age 89!!!  You read that right!  EIGHTY-NINE!!!  This proves it is NEVER too late to start!!! 
  • He has a very simple belief system:  Don’t get angry.  Be happy. 
  • He also thinks that if you don’t use your body it will become weak.  He walks 4 hours every day.  He says the difference between him and other sedentary older people is that while his legs feel weak by the end of the day, his have gotten stronger and the other peoples have gotten weaker.
  • He did not learn to walk until age 5 because he had thin, weak legs.  Growing up he was teased because of his legs and because he was not able to walk far distances. 
  • His last marathon will be this month in Hong Kong…just 5 weeks shy of his 102nd birthday.

What a wonderful story!!!  He is a true inspiration for so many people!  If he can do it….so can you!  It’s not too late! 
Today is your day!!!

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