Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New Year's

4……..3……..2………1……..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  Next week marks the passing of another year.  We will lay to rest a weary 2012 and start 2013 off with a bang!  Many people like to ring in the New Year by making resolutions.  The dictionary describes a resolution as the state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.  A resolving to do something.  A course of action determined or decided on.  People make all kinds of resolutions.  Some are about health and fitness (losing weight, exercising, stop smoking), money (get out of debt, start a side business), family and home (organize the house, spend more time with family) and even self-improvement (learn a new hobby, go back to school).  The problem with making New Year’s resolutions is that most of them are long gone and forgotten about by mid-February or sooner!  This leaves us with a feeling of failure and disappointment.  So this year I challenge you to stop making New Year’s resolutions and make a life change instead!  (Sounds cheesy, I know!) 
  1. Be specific!  Don’t just say:  I want to lose weight this year.  Instead say:  I want to lose 5 pounds this month and this is how I plan to do it. 
  2. Be realistic!  Most resolutions putter out because people start off too overzealous!  Take baby steps.  If you are wanting to start walking for exercise, start off slow.  Don’t get discouraged because you want to walk every day or 5 days a week.  Commit to walking 2 days a week and determine those days ahead of time. 
  3. Be realistic!  (Yes, I listed that one twice.  It’s that important!  J)  Did you know it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice?  That’s 3 months!!!  DON’T GIVE UP!!!  Don’t get discouraged!!!  Change doesn’t happen overnight so give it time. 
  4. Have a buddy!  Tell your friends and family what you’re wanting to do.  Letting other people know your goals will help hold you accountable.
  5. Reward yourself with partial success!  Treat yourself to new running shoes for sticking with your goal for a month!  Kick up your heels and rent a redbox movie after you finally organized that closet!
  6. Believe in yourself!  You can do it!!!  Hang in there!!!  Did you know it takes around 21 days (give or take) to create a habit?  That’s doing something 21 times.  Don’t give up!
Don’t forget to turn in your last exercise log of the year!  It is due next week!  And also don’t forget to sign up for the 2013 Get Fit Employee Incentive Program!  Let me know if you have any questions!!! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year’s Eve and Day!

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