Friday, October 4, 2013

Know Your Numbers

Happy Friday everyone!  Mark your calendars for October 2nd and 3rd!  It’s time for our annual health and wellness screening!!!  This is a HUGE benefit that the City provides for us and I hope everyone is taking advantage of it!  To get you excited about it and to help you understand what all the fuss is about, I thought I’d send out some info on why it’s important to know your numbers!  The “numbers” allow you to assess where you are in comparison to recommended levels.  By knowing your numbers, you can take action to make positive changes that will help prevent the onset of chronic health conditions!
  1. Blood Pressure – 120/80 or below  High blood pressure can cause a host of medical problems including cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and stroke.
  2. HDL – Above 40 mg/dL  This is the GOOD or healthy cholesterol! The higher the better!
  3. LDL – Below 130 mg/dL  This is the BAD or unhealthy cholesterol. The lower the better!
  4. Total cholesterol – Below 200 mg/dL  High cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
  5. Glucose – Below 100 mg/dL  Testing your fasting blood sugar measures your risk for diabetes, a chronic disease that can lead to blindness, cardiac disease, kidney failure, nerve problems and an impaired immune system.
  6. Body Mass Index (BMI) – Between 18 and 25  This is a number based on your height and weight. Americans who are considered obese run the risk for a slew of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gout, hypertension, high blood pressure and cancer.
If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.

--Yogi Berra


I hope this helps everyone!  If you have any questions please let me know!  Have a wonderful weekend!

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