Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Squats….you either love them or you hate them.  And sometimes even when you love them, you STILL hate them!  A lot of people steer clear of squats because they have knee problems or a bad back.  They assume doing squats would further harm these issues.  Well ANY exercise can cause damage if it’s performed improperly!  When done correctly and with proper form, squats are a powerhouse exercise that can strengthen the body and torch calories!  Squats will actually help strengthen knees and lower back!  Squats are one of the best exercises for all of your major muscle groups. 

Squats are essential for functional fitness (exercise that helps us in our everyday life).  Do you sit down into a chair?  That’s a squat.  Do you stand up after sitting on the couch?  That’s a squat.  Do you pick up items off the floor?  Out of the dryer?  Tie your shoes?  Squat, squat, squat!  And ladies…we’ve been squatting for years hovering over toilets in public restrooms!  EVERYONE SQUATS!!! 

There are many benefits to adding squats into your exercise regimen.  The major benefits include:
• Working all major muscle groups
• Burning a lot of calories
• Toning up your glutes and thighs
• Increasing flexibility in the lower body
• Strengthening lower back and core
• Increasing heart and lung power
• Gaining muscle
• Increasing balance and posture
How to perform a squat correctly:
• Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
• Keep your feet planted firmly on the floor, with your back straight and head facing forward.
• Slowly lower your body while bending your legs.
• Be sure not to lean forward.
• Don't allow your knees to extend over your toes.
• Keep squatting until you are in a seated position.
• After you have performed a full squat begin to lift your body and come to your starting position again.

As with any new exercise, you should seek guidance from a professional before trying squats.  But if you are capable of doing them, you should definitely incorporate them into your workout.  They can be done with or without weights and have countless variations and modifications!  There’s a perfect squat for everyone!  And just think….the next time you need to squat down to pick up that pencil it might just be a little easier!   
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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