Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Push-ups are one of the oldest and most basic exercises out there.  They can be done by anyone!  You don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy the benefits of this exercise!  Most people assume that push-ups only workout the chest and arms.  WRONG!  Push-ups are a total body workout!  They strengthen your fingers and hands, biceps, triceps, pecs, shoulders and forearms, upper and lower back and even your abdominal muscles.  They also strengthen your leg muscles, including your hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves and feet.  In addition to building strength, they force the heart to work harder and the blood to pump faster.  Push-ups also increase metabolism, prevent injuries and boost confidence!  And here’s the best part:  They’re FREE!  You can do them anywhere, anytime!  And with ZERO equipment! 
Ladies….you may be thinking about deleting this email because push-ups don’t apply to you.  You may say, “I don’t have any upper body strength.  I can’t do push-ups.”  The good news is that you can!  You can quickly start seeing results from doing push-ups regularly.  And once you’ve gained some strength, everyday things become easier!  No longer will you need helping carrying in the dog food, opening up a jar of pickles or spreading the mulch!  Girls with muscles can do it!  Don’t get discouraged!  Start simple and build up to regular push-ups!  Try these push-up modifications!
Wall Push-Ups
Lowering down to the ground (no pushing up)
Woodpecker Push-ups
Men….many of you already do push-ups.  You can bust out 30+ without breaking a sweat!  So step it up and broaden your push-up repertoire!  Now this is purely stereotypical….I know plenty of ladies that can rock it on push-ups!  So challenge yourself to DO MORE!!!  Here are some examples to push you past your comfort zone!
Hindu Push-ups (Dive-bombers)
Push-ups on Stability Ball
   Decline Push-ups

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