Wednesday, October 16, 2013

BMI vs. Body Fat Percentage

BMI and Body Fat Percentage.  You’ve probably had both checked at some point or another….And you may have thought to yourself, “What does that even mean?!!”  I thought I would clarify what each are and why they are used.
BMI stands for Body Mass Index.  BMI uses two things – height and weight – to assess a person’s health.  Medical research proves that BMI results are a great indicator of someone’s health risks and disease factors.   It is also very simple and requires no special machinery or testing.  Anyone can calculate it at any time with no special training.  The downside to using BMI is that it doesn’t take into account body composition (muscle mass, water, fat, tissues, etc.).  So there is the potential for someone to score in their normal range for BMI and have too much body fat.  Some people use the term “skinny fat” to describe this situation.  On the flip side, a very muscular person may be in the overweight category for BMI but have very low body fat.  Muscle weighs more than fat. If you’d like to check yours you can click here to determine your BMI.  BMI Calculator  Here is the BMI scale according to the CDC:  
Body Fat Percentage
Body Fat Percentage is literally the amount of fat in the body.  It can be measured several different ways.  Skin fold calipers (measuring folds of skin), underwater weighing (weighing the body in water since fat floats), bioelectrical impedance (measures how a flow of electrical current travels through the muscles, bones, water, etc.).  All offer pros and cons specific to the type of testing.  We use bioelectrical impedance to measure body fat for the City’s Get Fit Program.  If you’re ever curious and would like to know your body fat, feel free to stop by the Rec Center and we’d be more than happy to test it for you!  Here is the recommended amount of Body Fat Percentage according to the American Council on Exercise:
So which should you use?!  BOTH!!!  BMI and Body Fat Percentage both have their pros and cons but experts all agree that knowing both numbers is a great indicator of overall health and wellness!
If you haven’t signed up for the Get Fit Program and would still like to, it’s not too late!!!  Get your agreement in and start taking steps towards a healthy life!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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