Thursday, October 17, 2013


No matter where you are in your fitness journey….. make sure to take time to celebrate ALL of your accomplishments!  No matter what size they are!  Every little thing you do is progress and deserves recognition!  Don’t compare yourself to others.  You are not on the same journey!  So take a moment to think of all of the GOOD choices you’ve made and be proud of yourself! 
If you’ve eaten a vegetable today.
If you passed on donuts for breakfast.
If you only ate half of a donut.
If you walked a block.
If you ran a mile.
If you’ve lost one pound.
If you’ve lost 100 pounds.
If you put down a glass of Coke.
If you’ve drank five glasses of water.
If you exercised one time last month.
If you exercised every day.
If you can haul your own groceries.
If you can bench press a Buick.
If you’ve cut back on sugar.
If you’ve bought less junk food.
If you’re down to three smokes a day.
If you finally kicked the habit.
If you packed your lunch.
If you packed an apple.
If you ate meatless this past Monday.
If you ate meatless for one meal.
If you ate less meat.

Whatever it is that you did…….BE PROUD OF YOURSELF!!!  YOU DID IT!!!  So sit back……think of all of your many accomplishments and SMILE!!!  Nike has an ad campaign that sums it all up:


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