Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Surviving the Holidays

Ho!  Ho!  Ho!  Christmas is right around the corner and hopefully everyone is excited about the holidays!  If you’re like me…you probably have several more errands to run and are trying to figure out how to squeeze everything in.  There’s family to visit, food to cook, gifts to wrap, toys to buy, egg nog to drink, carols to sing, pageants to attend, stockings to stuff and who could forget all those delicious treats to bake!  The holidays can be kinda crazy!!! 
Stay organized and make lists. Make a list of everything that needs to be done for the holiday. Make a list of people you need to get gifts for and your spending limits. Also, make a list of stores you need to go to in order to complete your lists.
  • Don't take all the responsibilities. If you are hosting a holiday dinner, ask others to help out. Have your guests bring their favorite dishes. You can even ask guests to come a little early to help prepare dinner.
  • Be prepared and start early. Nothing makes the holidays better than knowing you are done everything ahead of time. Start saving money and shopping early. If you are in charge of dinner, have as much stuff as you can ready the day before.
  • Don't stress out about visiting every relative on the same day. Make plans ahead of time and decide on one place to celebrate. Traveling multiple places can make celebrating frustrating and hectic. Make plans with the relatives you do not see to have dinner with the night before or after.
  • Have fun doing the tasks that need to be done for the holiday. Listen to Christmas music while you cook, or engage the whole family in decorating. Having more people participate in these tasks will make them more fun and seem less tedious.
  • Don't over spend on gifts. Decide ahead of time who is exchanging gifts. Don't be afraid to make gifts to save money. Many handmade gifts can be just as special as something bought. Be creative and personal.
  • Remember to enjoy the holiday. Take time to think about what you love about the holiday. Don't stress out trying to please everyone. Take time to yourself and relax. Give yourself a gift and take joy in the holiday.
Hopefully you will have a WONDERFUL and stress-free holiday!  Merry Christmas!!!

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