Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just Do It

This is one of my favorite motivational sayings because it's so true!  People who are good at something are good because they spent time learning how to perfect their craft.  People who are successful are at the top because they worked hard and stuck to their plans and goals. So the same can be said for people who workout and exercise. They aren't in shape just because they wanted to be. They are in shape because they worked hard at it. I'm always amazed when I look at the before and afters from the Biggest Loser. They are incredible! But those transformations didn't happen overnight. It happened one step at a time. 
So here's your challenge. Think about where you'd like to see yourself in one year. Maybe it's a dietary goal. Maybe it's to workout more often or spend more active time with your family. Whatever it is, I want you to take one small step toward it this weekend. Go for a walk. Buy those bananas.  Sign up for a 5k. JUST DO IT!!! And who cares if a couple bananas go bad before you eat them all?!! You did it!!! Every small step you take will lead you closer to that person you'd hoped to be! And this time next year your body will be thanking you for making your health such a priority!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!!!

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