Friday, October 18, 2013


I saw this on Pinterest and thought it would be great to share!  There are tons of people that have jobs where they have to sit for long periods of time.  Well it’s not just bad for your back….it causes poor circulation, blood clots, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, assorted aches and increased obesity among others.  I was amazed to find out that sitting for a long time reduces lifespan and increases overall risk of death by nearly 50%!  PLUS sitting increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 125% and doubles the chances of developing various types of cancer.  YIKES!!!  
So what can you do about it?!  Well unfortunately, heading to the gym before or after work can’t undo a day’s worth of sitting on your tail.  So take a walk break.  I don’t mean for 30 minutes…..just to the water fountain and back.  Do some light desk exercises.  Stretch.  Use a stability ball instead of a regular chair.  If you’re able to, schedule an active meeting instead of around a table.  Just make sure you are breaking up the sitting!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!   

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