Friday, October 18, 2013


What are your goals?  Health goals….fitness goals….nutrition goals….  Think about them.  What is it that you are working towards?  Is it to lose weight?  Finish a run?  Win a race?  Feel less crumby?  Compete as a bodybuilder?  It is going to be different for every person.  Did you read that? 
Stop comparing yourself to other people!  Do not feel like a failure because you don’t look like these people.  
By comparing yourself to these standards you are setting yourself up for disappointment and that’s not what this is about.  It’s about finding out what YOU want!  What is good for YOU! 
You aren’t on their journey.  This is YOUR journey!     
So think long and hard about your goals.  Do you want to be able to play with your kids more?  Pick up the groceries without retching your back?  Do you want to get back down to a healthier cholesterol level?  Maybe you want to finally train for that race.  Or be able to do a pushup.  Or a handstand.  Or maybe you just want to be able to walk a mile.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  It just matters that you are working towards something.  YOUR goal!  Not mine or anyone else’s.  Your’s. 
Here are the real people.  The people we should be looking up to.  THESE are motivation in my book!  J     

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!

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