Wednesday, October 16, 2013


GO GREEN!  And no I’m not talking about saving the earth (although that’s terribly important, too!).  I’m talking about the color green and eating it more!  The substance in most green foods that gives it that amazing color is chlorophyll.  Green foods are packed with phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are found naturally in plant foods and are responsible for the health benefits we get from these foods. Green foods offer health benefits in addition to the standard nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.) found in all whole foods. These benefits include lowering your risk of diseases and cancers.  Many green vegetables and fruits are high in the carotenoid lutein.  One of the most important benefits lutein provides is its contribution to healthy eye site by fighting cataracts and related disorders due to aging.  Lutein can help absorb certain harmful aspects of sunlight before they do damage to your eyes.  Lutein is also an important contributing factor for a healthy heart and blood circulation.  There is an inverse relationship between lutein levels and arterial plaque levels.  Individuals with the highest levels of lutein tend to have the lowest amount of plaque buildup while individuals with lower levels of lutein tend to have higher levels of plaque buildup.  So in summary………….Eat up!  GREEN IS GOOD!!!
Here are some green vegetables that you should enjoy:
Green Leafy Vegetables  such as:  bok choy, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, spinach, turnip greens, Swiss chard, rapini, and cabbage
Peas, traditional and sugar snap
Brussels Sprouts
Green Peppers
Green Beans
There are not as many well-known fruits in the green category as there are vegetables, but there are several choices available:
Honeydew Melon
Green Grapes
Green Apples like Granny Smith
Don’t forget to turn in your December exercise logs if you haven’t already!  And definitely don’t forget to sign up for the 2013 Get Fit Program!  I can’t encourage you enough to do it!  It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable to exercise AND get rewarded for it!!!  You can get the sign up form at the Get Fit website.  It’s an EASY way to make a little extra cash!  Let me know if you have any questions!  Please pass this along to anyone in your department that doesn’t have email!
Thanks and have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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