Thursday, October 17, 2013

Spot Reduction

Muffin tops….. Saddle bags….. Flabby arms….. Belly pooches….. Back fat….. Problem areas….we all have them! And there are a lot of marketing ploys out there trying to convince us that we can easily tone up and get rid of these areas. But I’m here to tell you that they are WRONG!!! We get asked about spot reduction a lot here at the Rec Center. People want to know how to flatten their abs, smooth their triceps or get rid of the fat around their thighs. “If I could just get rid of THIS!” I wish I had a magic answer for them. But my answer is always the same. Spot reduction is a myth. Working out a certain muscle group or a certain area will not reduce the fat in that specific area. The only way to eliminate excess body fat and get rid of those problem areas is through regular, consistent exercise (aerobic AND strength) in conjunction with a sensible diet. Genetics plays a large role in how and where our bodies hold fat. Typically the places you gain weight first end up being those problem areas. And for most men (and some women), the abdominal area is the hardest to trim down, while the hips, buttocks and thighs tend to be the problem areas for most women (and some men). 

So what do you do about it?! You put down the Thighmaster and the Shake Weight and you work out your entire body! Don’t get bogged down trying to tone up a certain area. We are all different. Our bodies are unique. Focus on your positive features and all of your many accomplishments! J
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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