Friday, October 4, 2013

Tips for Assessments

Hello all!  Since assessments are next week, I thought I’d give everyone some tips on having a successful test! 
Body Composition – Omcron Body Fat Analyzer
• Take the test around 2-3 hours after a meal. 
• Make sure you are not dehydrated. 
• Empty your bladder before taking the test. 
Flexibility – Sit and Reach
• Warm up before taking the test.  Warm muscles stretch better. 
• Lift your arms over your head and reach for the sky and then bend forward to touch the board.
• Take off your shoes.
Muscular Endurance – Sit Ups
• Pace yourself.  Don’t burn yourself out in the first 15 seconds.
Cardiovascular Endurance – 1.5 Mile Run/1 Mile Walk
• Make sure to follow the Blue Trail Markers! 
• For the 1.5 Mile Run, go to the black painted line (3/4 mile), turn around and come back. 
• For the 1 Mile Run, go to the ½ mile sign, turn around and come back.
• Someone will be there to help you out so you know where to go.  
Muscular Strength – Push Ups
• Don’t let your arms flare outward during the test, because this causes more stress on your shoulder joints.
• Take your time!!!
Good luck everyone and we’ll see you next week!  If you have any questions before the assessments, just call me or Jen at 526-7393.  Hopefully everyone has been practicing and does an amazing job!!!

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