Thursday, October 17, 2013


Bananas are nature’s energy bar!!!  Since they come in their own pretty yellow package, they make the perfect portable snack!  You may not have access to a stove, microwave, oven, cutting board, sink, etc. to whip up a healthy snack.  But you don’t need any of that for a banana!  It’s an ideal travel snack!  One medium banana (about 7 inches long) is about 110 calories and has TONS of vitamins and minerals!  They are high in potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, manganese and fiber.  Bananas are also a good form of carbohydrates.  Eat one after a workout to refuel or for breakfast to give you energy for your day!  Bananas are also easy on the belly.  Many doctors recommend sticking to the BRAT diet after having a stomach virus (BANANAS, rice, applesauce, toast).  Bananas help you get the nutrients your body needs while still being gentle on your tummy.  And here’s one more bonus:  They are pretty cheap!  I’ve seen them as low as $0.36 a pound!  Take THAT mega expensive snack bars!!!  
Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!! 

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