Friday, November 11, 2016

Number One

Hopefully you aren’t offended by the potty talk!  J  Did you know that your urine can tell a lot about your overall health and hydration level?  I ran across this handy infographic about the color of urine and what it might mean.  I hope you find this as helpful as I did!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin Seeds

Maybe it’s too late for you and you’ve already carved your pumpkins and tossed the seeds.  Or maybe you’re waiting to carve your pumpkins this weekend!  Either way, here are some GREAT (and fairly healthy!) ways to enjoy those delicious pumpkin seeds!
Cinnamon Maple Pumpkin Seeds
1 c of roasted, unsalted pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 pinch of allspice
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp pure maple syrup
Preheat your oven to 300-350 degrees and line a baking pan with foil.  Spray the foil with non-stick spray.  In a bowl, combine the pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, vanilla, salt and maple syrup and toss to coat.  Spread the nuts onto the baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until lightly browned.  Watch to make sure they don’t burn because every oven is different.  Let the seeds cool before removing from pan and store in an air-tight container.
Honey Sriracha Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 tablespoon sriracha
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon pimenton (smoked paprika)
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1/8 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt
a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon olive oil
Preheat oven 300°F.  Spread out seeds on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until golden.  Meanwhile, whisk together the remaining ingredients in a medium bowl. Pour the hot seeds into the sriracha mixture and stir to coat well.  Return the seeds to the baking sheet, spreading them out as best you can – they’ll be sticky. Bake for 5-10 additional minutes to caramelize the sauce on the seeds.  Remove from the oven and cool.  If not consuming immediately, spread out the seeds on a cooled baking sheet and allow to set up a bit before packaging. (Otherwise, they’ll tend to stick together in all of their caramelized goodness.)
Pumpkin Pie Spice
2 cups pumpkin seeds
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 1/2 Tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp fine salt
Preheat oven to 300*F.  Line cookie sheet with foil or parchment paper.  Combine all ingredients and mix.  Spread in a single layer on prepared sheet pan.  Bake for 20 minutes, mixing mixture after 10 minutes.  Seeds should be golden and crunchy.  Bake longer if needed.  **Seeds can be stored for up to 3 months in an air tight container.
Everything Pumpkin Seeds
1 1/2 cups dried pumpkin seeds
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp fresh cracked pepper
Preheat your oven to 300 degrees.  Melt the butter in a dish. Mix in the olive oil.  Pour the butter and oil into a bowl containing the seeds and mix well.  Add in the salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder.  Spread seeds onto a foil covered cookie sheet.  Bake for 10 minutes, remove seeds, stir, & place back in oven.  Repeat this until the seeds are brown and crispy (about 40 minutes).
Jalapeno Pumpkin Seeds
1 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds, cleaned & dried
3 jalapeƱo peppers, sliced
3 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and paprika to taste
If pumpkin seeds are rinsed and have dried overnight, skip to the next step.  If pumpkin seeds were bought from the store, skip to the next step.  Rinse pumpkin seeds under cold water, pat the seeds dry with a paper towel and transfer to a baking sheet to dry overnight.  The seeds should be somewhat dry to begin the next day.  Preheat the oven to 350°F.  If you haven’t already, spread pumpkin seeds out on a rimmed baking sheet.  Add olive oil and sea salt and stir pumpkin seeds with your hands to combine.  Lay slices of jalapeno peppers on top of seeds.  Sprinkle paprika over the top of everything, generously.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Use a spatula to mix mixture of seeds. Bake for another 5 minutes.  Move mixture around some more and bake for a final 5 minutes.  Remove tray from oven and let everything rest for 15-30 minutes  **pumpkin seeds can be stored in an air tight container for up to 3 months.
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Gut Health

Did you know that 70-80% of your immune system is located in your gut wall/intestines?  Most people don’t.  Allergies, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, IBS, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer…….all these things may seem unrelated but can actually be caused by unhealthy gut issues.  That is why it is so important to choose foods that heal our gut instead of harm it.  Because if your gut flora and bacteria are sick… are you!   Focus on fiber-rich vegetables, low-sugar fruits, non-gluten grain and legumes.  Here is a list of foods that help heal your intestines!      
 Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, September 23, 2016


I found this infographic and it is extremely interesting!  It’s also worth mentioning to take care of your eyes and make sure to keep current on your annual eye exams!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2016


I know, I know………  Nobody wants to hear someone lecture about sodas.  I completely understand!  But I ran across this article from The Daniel Plan and thought it was worth passing on.  Especially after seeing these startling statistics:
  • The average American consumes 44 gallons of soda every year.
  • Calories from sugary beverages have increased by 60% in children ages 6 to 11 in the last 10 years.
  • 9 out of 10 children in the United States regularly consume at least one soda per day.
  • On any given day, half of all Americans are going to consume at least 1 soda.
  • The average child is consuming 500 cans of soda annually.  
So here are 15 Reasons to Give Up Soda!
  1. The Sugar – A single can of Coca-Cola has almost 10 teaspoons of added sugar. Think of a stack of 10 sugar cubes or 10 packets of sugar. Just one can. And something super-sized? Do the math.
  2. Artificial Sweeteners  – Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners which confuse our bodies, are linked to weight gain and increased risk for metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
  3. Damaging to Our Guts – We have trillions of beneficial bacteria in our guts that effect everything from digestive health to brain health. Keeping them healthy is paramount to being healthy. A 2014 study revealed that certain gut bacteria may induce metabolic changes following exposure to artificial sweeteners.
  4. Increased Risk for Diabetes – “People who consume sugary drinks regularly—1 to 2 cans a day or more—have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who rarely have such drinks” reports the Harvard School of Public Health.
  5. Weight Gain and Obesity – The sugar in soda causes weight gain around the midsection. The more sugary drinks consumed per day, the more overall calories we eat later in the day, leading to weight gain and obesity. The body doesn’t register liquid calories, but our waistlines do.
  6. Devoid of Nutrition – One 12 ounce can of Coca-Cola has 140 calories with zero nutritional value. And drinking diet soda is no better. In fact, they can be worse in other ways. Soda is basically just water and liquid candy.
  7. Bisphenol-A – Most aluminum cans are lined with a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA), which disrupts hormones and is linked to diabetes, infertility, obesity and some cancers.
  8. High Fructose Corn Syrup – Soda often contains high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an industrial food product and marker of highly processed foods that has shown to be contaminated with mercury.
  9. Phosphoric Acid  – Colas contain phosphoric acid. It’s an acidifying agent that give colas their tangy flavor. Too much may lead to heart problems, kidney problems, muscle loss, and bone loss.
  10. Caffeine – Makes you feel peppy and gives you a lift, but too much caffeine is really unhealthy not to mention addictive. Many people experience headaches from withdrawal when quitting soda.
  11. Caramel Coloring – It’s what gives colas their brown color. Innocent sounding caramel coloring is created with potential cancer-causing chemicals like 4-methylimidazole (4-MI)
  12. Tooth Decay – Soda causes tooth decay because of excess sugar consumption. In fact, LiveScience says “many popular diet and sugared sodas are nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid.”
  13. Loss of Bone Density – Particularly a problem for women as we age, due to the phosphoric acid in soda.
  14. GMO Ingredients – Sodas may contain ingredients that are genetically modified (GMO or GE), which you can’t tell by the label. GMO’s are linked in animal studies to organ damage, digestive problems, immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility.
  15. An Expensive Habit – Americans spend nearly $65 billion dollars a year on the fizzy, sugary, chemically colored and artificially flavored beverage.
So what do you think?  Think you may cut back on sodas?  Your body would LOVE it!  It’s just waiting for you to drink more water! J Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Lacrosse Ball

Are you wondering what I could possibly have to say about a lacrosse ball?  Well it actually has nothing to do with lacrosse and everything to do with your muscles.  Many of us suffer from tight muscles, muscle spasms, muscular asymmetry, poor posture, over working muscles, etc……  You get the idea.  We’re talking about muscle pain!  And if we all had the money and time we could get a massage therapist to work out these problem areas as they develop.  But since we may not have that luxury, we can use the next best thing.  A lacrosse ball.  Lacrosse balls are made of rubber and are very dense.  They are perfect to work on myofascial release.  This is where you try to release the tension built up in your muscles (more specifically the connective tissue of the muscle called the fascia) that causes the pain and inflammation.  You apply steady, constant pressure to the muscle and down the length of the muscle.  There are lots of products and tools that can be used (foam rollers, myofascial release balls, etc.), but a lacrosse ball works just as good!  AND it’s cheap!  J     
It’s pretty simple to do.  Apply the ball to the problem area and use body weight to apply slow, steady pressure.  Hold where you feel the tightness.  Make tiny adjustments as your work out the area.  Here are some ideas! 
I almost always have my lacrosse ball with me.  I use it mainly on my back.  It has made the biggest difference!  I can usually work through an issue in a day instead of letting it drag out for days or weeks!  Let me know if you want to hear more about it!  I’d love to help! 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, August 19, 2016


It is very important for children to be active!  So I am extremely pleased with the new state law requiring more activity time in schools.  Kids today spend a lot of time zoned out and on devices.  It’s important to keep them active so that when the time comes for them to concentrate and be still….they have have had a chance to use their bodies and move!  Here is a great guideline called the Children’s Activity Pyramid.  Try some of these out with your kiddos!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2016


Have you missed me?    It’s been a long summer with lots of kookiness!  But I’m excited about bringing back my Get Fit Friday Memos!  So here goes……..

I'm going to be honest with you.....I eat a lot of the same foods.  If something works for me, I stick with it.  ALMOST every day I have the same breakfast, the same snacks, the same lunch and then I jazz it up at dinner.  What can I say?!  I'm a creature of habit!  This may sound boring or pretty bland, but it works for me!  I like the consistency and routine.  Now I'm not suggesting you do the same!  But I do want to point out that there is power in finding what works!  If you think toast and jam is awful and you'd rather have eggs: have eggs!  Even if you ate them yesterday!  If you had a salad for lunch yesterday:  it's okay to have one again!  By being consistent, you can take most of the guesswork out of your meals.  I know I can plan on those foods and that they work for me!   What about you?!  Do you mix it up or stick with the norm?!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Meal Planning

I do so much better if I plan our families meals out ahead of time. And while I don't do it 100% of the time, I've found that it keeps my family eating healthier and saves me from the stress of "what are we going to eat tonight?!" I use to think people that meal planned were crazy. Way too organized or OCD. But I've discovered it's not so bad! If I just take a little time to sit down on the weekends I can usually plan out our menu for the next two weeks. Then I make the shopping list to go with it. I try to remember the days we will be eating on the run or when we won’t be home. And I TRY to get the kids input on what we're having! They get to pick things things they like and help decide on any new recipes I want to try.  So get out your favorite recipe book (or get on Pinterest…’s GREAT for recipes!) and start your planning.  There are tons of free printables that you can use as well!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone!  There are a lot of things you can do today and this weekend to celebrate Earth Day!  Here is a list to get you going!  

And don’t forget that Nature Fest is going on as well!  Find more details here
Have a WONDERFUL and GREEN weekend!  J

Friday, April 15, 2016


It’s warming up outside and the next few days look to be just LOVELY!  The sun will be out and it will be nice and toasty!  And although we need to always be aware of protecting our skin from getting burned, getting outside has many benefits!   
  1. Vitamin D – This vitamin has several different benefits.  It can help strengthen bones and even prevent diseases like diabetes and heart disease.  You can get this vitamin from a supplement, but you can also get it the good ole fashion way:  sunlight. 
  2. Eye Health – Studies show that being outside helps with nearsightedness.  Artificial light has a negative effect on the eyes.  Getting outside and focusing on objects farther than two feet from your face (not a TV, computer screen, phone, iPad, etc.) can help work your eyes and ward off symptoms like blurred or double vision, dry eyes, headaches, neck and back pain.
  3. Reduces Stress and Depression – Getting outside is relaxing.  Sunlight increases our levels of melatonin and boosts serotonin (the “feel good” hormone).  The noon day sun delivers about 100,000 lux (a measure of luminescence).  Artificial and neon indoor lights only deliver around 150-600 lux.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression, can happen during long winter months, but is also common in people who work long hours in office buildings.     
  4. Exercise – It’s hard to mention going outside without mentioning exercise.  Lots of activities outdoors get people up and moving.  Gardening, mowing, playing sports, hiking, climbing trees, riding bikes, playing tag, hoola hooping, jump roping…….. The list could go on and on!
  5. Sights, Sounds and Smells – There are so many senses that can be stimulated outside!  The beautiful trees and creeks and mountains…… The sounds of birds and animals and cars…… The smell of grass and dirt and sweat……  Yep, those are all good!  
I spent a lot of time outside when I was growing up.  There weren’t any electronic devices to play with like there are now.  So I climbed trees and rode bikes and went on lots of adventures.  These days….many people are missing out on these fundamental experiences.  Being outside gives kids all kinds of creative outlets!  They get to use their bodies AND their minds.  It’s something that I hope we don’t lose during this age of technology.  So this weekend…….I challenge all of us to do this:

Have a WONDERFUL and ADVENTUROUS weekend!!!

Friday, April 8, 2016


I love a good salad!  But sometimes I run out of ideas about what to put in my salad.  I saw this and thought it had some great ideas!  Salads don’t have to be dull and boring.  Be creative!!!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, March 18, 2016


Many people are interested in starting a fitness regimen but don’t know where to begin.  It’s simple!  Just walk!  Get out and move your body.  Walking is easy and gets you up and out of the house or office.  Plus it requires zero equipment and is FREE!!!  Here are some healthy benefits of walking:
 Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Friday, March 11, 2016


Cauliflower!  It’s the blonde headed sister in the cruciferous vegetable family (broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts, bok choy, collard greens…...).  And while it may lack the chlorophyll that gives it’s veggie siblings their green color, it’s bursting with just as many benefits!    
Plus you can eat it so many different ways!  Raw, broiled, mashed, steamed, sautĆ©'s delicious AND nutritious!  My favorite way to eat it is to roast it! 
Roasted Cauliflower
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Cut a head of fresh cauliflower into florets.  (Or use a bag of precut cauliflower!)
Toss in olive oil, salt and pepper.  (You can add any extras or seasoning your family enjoys: fresh garlic, lemon juice or even fresh parmesan cheese)
Spread out on baking sheet.
Bake for 20-30 min until they start to brown.
Voila!  Super delicious and healthy!
 I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Spring Allergies

It’s that time of year again!  Time for those pesky spring allergies.  Runny nose…..sneezing…..itchy eyes and nose…..coughing…..  Sound like your spring so far? 
While some people are plagued with year round allergies, others seem to only be bothered during the season changes.  Trees and flowers start to bloom, grass starts to grow and the weather flips flops from cold to warm to wet to dry!  Our nasal passageways are going haywire!  No wonder we feel like garbage.  So what can we do to combat these allergies?  Here are some tips for managing spring allergies:  
There are lots of over the counter medicines you can take as well as prescriptions.  But there are also lots of natural remedies, as well.  You can use a neti pot to rinse out the nasal passages.  Wasabi also helps clear out those passages and get things flowing.  You can drink peppermint tea to help relieve clogged nasal passageways and irritated mucus membranes.  Pure peppermint oil can also be used with lemon and lavender oil to help with allergy symptoms.  So there are lots of natural alternatives! 

I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!   

Friday, February 12, 2016


This weekend is Valentine’s Day so what better to time to talk about our hearts than now?!  Heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men and women in North America.  So know the risks, symptoms and ways to help prevent heart disease!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, February 5, 2016


Do you ever get hangry?  So hungry that it actually makes you angry?!  It’s happened to me before!  One of the best ways to keep from getting yourself into a food emergency is to be prepared!  There are all kinds of things that you can keep handy.  But trail mix is a great one and it’s fairly healthy!  It’s easy to make your own which can help you save money.  Just choose your favorite things and throw them in a baggie.  Ba-da-BING!  Hangry issues are solved! 
 Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Your Plate

It’s January and I’m sure you’ve been bombarded with advertisements for “diets” and weight loss methods.  There are so many “diets” out there nowadays!  I personally hate to think of the word diet like that.  Like, “I’m going on a diet.”  That sounds so restrictive!  Your diet is what you eat.  The foods that you consume.  An elephant’s diet consists of grasses, small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark and roots.  So your diet consists of the foods you eat.  You can have a healthy or unhealthy diet.  Unfortunately a lot of the information we receive about what to eat has become very confusing.  Some people say to eat only fruits and veggies.  Some say only meats and minimal grains.  Others say to juice everything.  So who is right?!  First of all, everyone is different.  So what works for one person may not work for another.  There is not a one size fits all way to eat.  I prefer to keep things simple.  Ready for it?  Eat real food.  BOOM!  That’s it!  Eat foods void of chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors.  Real foods not foods made in a factory.  I try to follow this guideline as far as serving size:
Do I hit this 100% of the time?  Absolutely not.  But I use this as my guideline to make good choices.  It helps me to remember to choose more healing veggies instead of extra potatoes!    And you can adapt it to meet your needs and likes.  Throw in a fruit and drink plenty of water!  It doesn’t have to be confusing.  It doesn’t have to be difficult.  You just have to be open to changing your current situation. 
If you’d like some more information or have any questions let me know!  I hope you have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Health Hacks

I saw these health hacks on Pinterest and thought they were great!  I’ve heard of some of them……..but defintely not all of them!  
Have a WONDERFUL long weekend! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy New Year!

Did you read that title correctly?  It says:  HAPPY New Year!  You’ve probably said it several times recently, right?  So I thought it would be cool to share with you some foods that are natural mood boosters.  You could call them your happy foods.    These foods help boost and elevate your mood and can help make your new year even HAPPIER!!!
  1. Fish – The omega-3’s in fish not only fight depression, but they also increase your energy, circulation and brain activity.
  2. Nuts and Seeds – This is another good source of omega-3’s.  It also has vitamin B which helps with focus, energy and concentration. 
  3. Apples – Apples give your body the sugar it craves, without being processed or refined.  They’re also filled with fiber to help you feel fuller, longer.
  4. Leafy Greens – These are filled with folate and phytonutrients that help reduce anxiety.
  5. Berries – Berries contain antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body
  6. Dark Chocolate – A little dark chocolate can release endorphins in the body that give you that “feel good” feeling.
  7. Oranges – Citric fruits are high in vitamin C which helps reduce stress and boosts the immune system.
  8. Cheese – Cheese has tryptophan and melatonin in it which has a calming effect. 
So if you’re feeling a little bummed out in the afternoon, go snack on an apple and some nut butter!  And see if you can turn that frown upside down!  L….J

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!