Friday, January 29, 2016

Your Plate

It’s January and I’m sure you’ve been bombarded with advertisements for “diets” and weight loss methods.  There are so many “diets” out there nowadays!  I personally hate to think of the word diet like that.  Like, “I’m going on a diet.”  That sounds so restrictive!  Your diet is what you eat.  The foods that you consume.  An elephant’s diet consists of grasses, small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark and roots.  So your diet consists of the foods you eat.  You can have a healthy or unhealthy diet.  Unfortunately a lot of the information we receive about what to eat has become very confusing.  Some people say to eat only fruits and veggies.  Some say only meats and minimal grains.  Others say to juice everything.  So who is right?!  First of all, everyone is different.  So what works for one person may not work for another.  There is not a one size fits all way to eat.  I prefer to keep things simple.  Ready for it?  Eat real food.  BOOM!  That’s it!  Eat foods void of chemicals, preservatives and artificial colors.  Real foods not foods made in a factory.  I try to follow this guideline as far as serving size:
Do I hit this 100% of the time?  Absolutely not.  But I use this as my guideline to make good choices.  It helps me to remember to choose more healing veggies instead of extra potatoes!    And you can adapt it to meet your needs and likes.  Throw in a fruit and drink plenty of water!  It doesn’t have to be confusing.  It doesn’t have to be difficult.  You just have to be open to changing your current situation. 
If you’d like some more information or have any questions let me know!  I hope you have a GREAT weekend!

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