Friday, March 4, 2016

Spring Allergies

It’s that time of year again!  Time for those pesky spring allergies.  Runny nose…..sneezing…..itchy eyes and nose…..coughing…..  Sound like your spring so far? 
While some people are plagued with year round allergies, others seem to only be bothered during the season changes.  Trees and flowers start to bloom, grass starts to grow and the weather flips flops from cold to warm to wet to dry!  Our nasal passageways are going haywire!  No wonder we feel like garbage.  So what can we do to combat these allergies?  Here are some tips for managing spring allergies:  
There are lots of over the counter medicines you can take as well as prescriptions.  But there are also lots of natural remedies, as well.  You can use a neti pot to rinse out the nasal passages.  Wasabi also helps clear out those passages and get things flowing.  You can drink peppermint tea to help relieve clogged nasal passageways and irritated mucus membranes.  Pure peppermint oil can also be used with lemon and lavender oil to help with allergy symptoms.  So there are lots of natural alternatives! 

I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!   

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