Friday, July 11, 2014

Weight Loss

Even though I believe that being healthy and fit is MUCH more than just a number on the scale, I understand that weight loss is important and is certainly a goal for many!  But here’s the unfortunate truth:  
What does that mean?  If you eat what you've always eaten, then you will weigh what you've always weighed. It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories each week to lose one pound. That’s eliminating 500 calories each day either through diet, exercise or a combination of both. This amount of weight loss each week is considered safe and sustainable.  Weight loss is actually broken down like this:
Many people assume that if they work out they can eat whatever they want.  This just isn’t true.  I wish it were! J

So bottom line:  You MUST change your diet to see results.  And the GREAT news is that if you start eating all of these healthier foods….your body will become much healthier.  From the inside out! 

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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