Friday, July 18, 2014

Bulletproof Coffee

An average of 2.25 billion cups of coffee are drank around the world every single day.  For most of us, having our morning coffee is a requirement.  It's as much a part of our routine as brushing our teeth!  And for those who don't drink it black.....cream and some kind of sweetner are mandatory.  But did you know there is a new way to drink your java?!  It's called bulletproof coffee!  So what exactly is bulletproof coffee?  Well it's made by combining three things: coffee, butter (Not margarine or some kind of garbage butter.  REAL, whole, grass-fed butter), and coconut oil.  

So why would you drink bulletproof coffee?  Dave Asprey, the creator of bulletproof coffee, says preparing coffee this way yields “maximum energy, total elimination of food cravings, and easy weight loss.”  Sounds crazy, right?!  Now you may be reading this and think:  “Butter and oil have fat in them.  I thought fat was bad.”  Well…..not exactly.  Not all fats are created equally.  Some fats are actually GOOD for us!  These good fats help us absorb vitamins and give us sustained energy.  They actually make us healthier!  You just have to make sure they are the correct kind!  Coconut oil, for example, helps to promote heart health, strengthens your immune system, keeps your skin, hair and nails healthy, gives you energy, supports a healthy thyroid………and on and on!   
When I first heard about this, I thought it was the most insane thing ever.  Butter?!! In coffee?!! Bleck!  And while I've been drinking my coffee mostly black....I have tried this and it's surprisingly good!  Start with a teaspoon each of butter and oil and work your way up to one or two tablespoons.  So what do you think?!!  Is it something you would try?  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

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