Friday, July 25, 2014


How many people out there have been on a diet?  Low carb diet, no sugar diet, low calories diet, low fat diet……There are even a bunch of crash diets that include the baby food diet, cabbage soup diet and grapefruit diet!  But if you look at the actual definition of the word diet, you will see it is none of these things.  Our “diet” is the food and drink we regularly consume.  Our habitual nourishment.  So anytime we cut something out for a short amount of time or change the way we eat for a couple of weeks, we are not on a diet.  We’ve made dietary changes.  And in the grand scheme of things……what we call it doesn’t matter.  My point is that we shouldn’t get in the habit of going on a “diet.”  We should be working hard to make improvements to our diet.  When we say things like:  “I’m going on a diet” or “My diet starts Monday” it gives the illusion that there is a start and an end date.  A beginning and an end.  And that is definitely not the case!  Making gradual healthy changes helps people create habits that they are more likely to stick with for the rest of their life!  No end date!!!  
Let me know if you ever have questions or want more specific information on ways to make some healthy changes in your life! 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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