Friday, July 25, 2014


How many people out there have been on a diet?  Low carb diet, no sugar diet, low calories diet, low fat diet……There are even a bunch of crash diets that include the baby food diet, cabbage soup diet and grapefruit diet!  But if you look at the actual definition of the word diet, you will see it is none of these things.  Our “diet” is the food and drink we regularly consume.  Our habitual nourishment.  So anytime we cut something out for a short amount of time or change the way we eat for a couple of weeks, we are not on a diet.  We’ve made dietary changes.  And in the grand scheme of things……what we call it doesn’t matter.  My point is that we shouldn’t get in the habit of going on a “diet.”  We should be working hard to make improvements to our diet.  When we say things like:  “I’m going on a diet” or “My diet starts Monday” it gives the illusion that there is a start and an end date.  A beginning and an end.  And that is definitely not the case!  Making gradual healthy changes helps people create habits that they are more likely to stick with for the rest of their life!  No end date!!!  
Let me know if you ever have questions or want more specific information on ways to make some healthy changes in your life! 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Bulletproof Coffee

An average of 2.25 billion cups of coffee are drank around the world every single day.  For most of us, having our morning coffee is a requirement.  It's as much a part of our routine as brushing our teeth!  And for those who don't drink it black.....cream and some kind of sweetner are mandatory.  But did you know there is a new way to drink your java?!  It's called bulletproof coffee!  So what exactly is bulletproof coffee?  Well it's made by combining three things: coffee, butter (Not margarine or some kind of garbage butter.  REAL, whole, grass-fed butter), and coconut oil.  

So why would you drink bulletproof coffee?  Dave Asprey, the creator of bulletproof coffee, says preparing coffee this way yields “maximum energy, total elimination of food cravings, and easy weight loss.”  Sounds crazy, right?!  Now you may be reading this and think:  “Butter and oil have fat in them.  I thought fat was bad.”  Well…..not exactly.  Not all fats are created equally.  Some fats are actually GOOD for us!  These good fats help us absorb vitamins and give us sustained energy.  They actually make us healthier!  You just have to make sure they are the correct kind!  Coconut oil, for example, helps to promote heart health, strengthens your immune system, keeps your skin, hair and nails healthy, gives you energy, supports a healthy thyroid………and on and on!   
When I first heard about this, I thought it was the most insane thing ever.  Butter?!! In coffee?!! Bleck!  And while I've been drinking my coffee mostly black....I have tried this and it's surprisingly good!  Start with a teaspoon each of butter and oil and work your way up to one or two tablespoons.  So what do you think?!!  Is it something you would try?  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Weight Loss

Even though I believe that being healthy and fit is MUCH more than just a number on the scale, I understand that weight loss is important and is certainly a goal for many!  But here’s the unfortunate truth:  
What does that mean?  If you eat what you've always eaten, then you will weigh what you've always weighed. It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories each week to lose one pound. That’s eliminating 500 calories each day either through diet, exercise or a combination of both. This amount of weight loss each week is considered safe and sustainable.  Weight loss is actually broken down like this:
Many people assume that if they work out they can eat whatever they want.  This just isn’t true.  I wish it were! J

So bottom line:  You MUST change your diet to see results.  And the GREAT news is that if you start eating all of these healthier foods….your body will become much healthier.  From the inside out! 

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fourth of July Party

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and a lot of people will be cooking out!  Is there a more American way to celebrate our country’s freedom than by eating?!  J  These big celebrations do not have to end in guilt or over indulgence!  Plan ahead!  Bring or prepare healthier options!  Provide lots of fresh fruits and veggies.  It’s a perfect day for watermelon!!!  Grill turkey burgers and nitrate free turkey hot dogs instead of higher fat options.  Here are some other healthy recipes!
Have a WONDERFUL long weekend!!!