Friday, February 21, 2014


The number one response when people talk about why they don’t work out is that they don’t have time.  We get busier and busier every day!  From sun up to sun down, our days are filled with the hustle and bustle of life!  But no matter how you look at it……we all have the same 24 hours each day.  It’s just a matter of how you use those hours!  If something is important to you… make time to do it.  We have hobbies, chores, routines, etc. that we make time to do.  Day after day, week after week, month after month.  We all make time for these things!  So how do we not have time to exercise?!!  
The answer is simple.  It all comes down to priorities.  If exercise is a priority, than you make time for it.  Period.  And that priority may come and go during different seasons of your life and that’s okay!  But the bottom line is that we are ALL short on time!  Very few people I know have oodles of time to burn!  We are all struggling to get stuff done and burning the midnight oil to finish things.  But there are 1,440 minutes in a day.  You only need to use 30 of them to exercise.  And it doesn’t even have to be 30 minutes straight.  It can be broken up.  Ten minutes here……ten minutes there….. Go for a quick walk at lunch.  And then again after dinner.  And if walking isn’t your thing, play basketball.  Stretch.  Whatever!  There are TONS of programs that cater to the people pressed for time!  That’s why they created things like T25!  Get it done quicker!  HIIT and tabata type workouts are all about making the most of your time!  There are also tons of videos on youtube that give you a quick workout. 

So now is a GREAT opportunity to do a little time evaluation.  Go through your day to day life and see where you can clear the clutter.  See how much time you could add to your day by cutting out some of your time suckers.  Could you gain back enough time to exercise?  I bet you could.  We all could.  Because I can’t think of a more important priority than your health and well-being!!!  J      
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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