Friday, February 28, 2014


Chewing gum………..some people think it’s an annoying habit and some folks are addicted to it.  So we’re going to weigh the pros and cons!  
Heartburn Relief:  The excess saliva created by chewing gum actually helps to neutralize stomach acid that washes up the esophagus causing heartburn.  Chewing sugar free gum for 30 minutes can ward off any heartburn or indigestion.
Dental Health:  As long as the gum is sugar free…chewing gum after meals help to wash away any bacteria or food residue left by eating. 
Curbs the Appetite:  People who chew gum report fewer feelings of hunger and sugar cravings. 
Increased Concentration and Focus:  Chewing gum increases cerebral blood flow.  It can actually increase concentration and focus by 10%.  That is why so many people tend to chew gum during tests or situations that require intense concentration.
Excess Gas:  All of the extra chewing can lead to burping and bloating.  More chewing means you swallow more air.
Jaw Problems:  Too much chewing can hurt the jaws.  Especially people with preexisting conditions like TMJ.
Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners:  Unfortunately a lot of gums have excess sugars in them.  This is NOT good for the teeth!  And in an effort to avoid this situation, many gum manufacturers use artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.  Aspartame has it’s own laundry list of health risks.   
So what are your thoughts?!!  Do you love gum?  Does it annoy you when people chew gum?  I personally love it!  My favorite gum is Extra Dessert Delights Mint Chocolate Chip Gum.  Oh my…’s like scooping a big bowl of ice cream!    PUR makes a gum that is sugar-free, aspartame-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan.  It’s made with xylitol which is good for your teeth, stabilizes insulin and hormone levels, promotes good health and has none of the negative side effects of white sugar or artificial sweeteners!  How cool is that?! 
So there you have it!  The good, the bad and the chewy!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014


The number one response when people talk about why they don’t work out is that they don’t have time.  We get busier and busier every day!  From sun up to sun down, our days are filled with the hustle and bustle of life!  But no matter how you look at it……we all have the same 24 hours each day.  It’s just a matter of how you use those hours!  If something is important to you… make time to do it.  We have hobbies, chores, routines, etc. that we make time to do.  Day after day, week after week, month after month.  We all make time for these things!  So how do we not have time to exercise?!!  
The answer is simple.  It all comes down to priorities.  If exercise is a priority, than you make time for it.  Period.  And that priority may come and go during different seasons of your life and that’s okay!  But the bottom line is that we are ALL short on time!  Very few people I know have oodles of time to burn!  We are all struggling to get stuff done and burning the midnight oil to finish things.  But there are 1,440 minutes in a day.  You only need to use 30 of them to exercise.  And it doesn’t even have to be 30 minutes straight.  It can be broken up.  Ten minutes here……ten minutes there….. Go for a quick walk at lunch.  And then again after dinner.  And if walking isn’t your thing, play basketball.  Stretch.  Whatever!  There are TONS of programs that cater to the people pressed for time!  That’s why they created things like T25!  Get it done quicker!  HIIT and tabata type workouts are all about making the most of your time!  There are also tons of videos on youtube that give you a quick workout. 

So now is a GREAT opportunity to do a little time evaluation.  Go through your day to day life and see where you can clear the clutter.  See how much time you could add to your day by cutting out some of your time suckers.  Could you gain back enough time to exercise?  I bet you could.  We all could.  Because I can’t think of a more important priority than your health and well-being!!!  J      
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Heart Health

Valentine’s Day is all about hearts!  So what a great chance to tell you some ways to make that heart as healthy as possible! 
  • Move!  That means exercise!  It helps circulation and improves cholesterol levels.  Just 30 minutes 3-5 times per week will do wonders for your heart!
  • Stop Smoking!  You’ve heard it a million times……smoking is horrible for your ole ticker!
  • Control High Blood Pressure!  All that pressure on your blood vessels is rough on your heart!  Monitor and regularly check your blood pressure and take steps to lower it!
  • Eat a Healthy Diet!  Cut out fried food and foods high in saturated fat and make sure to eat your fruits and veggies!  Also make sure to eat lots of good fats (fish, nuts and seeds)!
  • De-stress!  Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of rest and taking time to tune out!
  • Know Your History!  Even if you score a 100 in all of the above….genetics is a major risk factor!  Know your history and talk with your doctor about a plan to avoid cardiovascular disease! 
I hope your hearts are filled with lots of love and health today! 

Friday, February 7, 2014


Most people would agree that diet and exercise are the two main components of living a healthy lifestyle.  But there’s a third component that’s equally as important.  Rest.  
Your body needs adequate amounts of rest in order to stay healthy and function properly.  Getting a good night’s sleep allows our brains to rest and relax as well as allow our bodies to repair and relax.  Without the right amount of sleep, we feel sluggish, have decreased levels of work and can eventually become ill.  While 7 hours is recommended, everyone needs a different amount of sleep.  Some people can survive with 3-4 hours while others require 9-10 hours to be at peak performance.

Sleep is what most people think of when they talk about rest.  But another type is mental rest!  Mental and emotional stress can be very taxing on the body.  Exercise stresses the body in a good way and is for a short time.  But when you add onto that the stress brought on by other factors, the body starts to show symptoms such as:  fatigue, anxiety, moodiness, depression, sense of being overwhelmed, agitation and becoming physically ill.  The body has to rest in order to deal with the overload of stress on the body!
So in other words……SLOW DOWN!!!  If your feeling run down…….your body is telling you to rest!  Make sure you have equal amounts of a healthy diet, exercise and plenty of rest!  It’s Friday people!  You’ve had a long hard week!  Go home and relax!  You deserve it!  J      

Have a GREAT weekend!!!