Friday, November 1, 2013


It was great seeing everyone this past week at the Wellness Checks!  We had many people notice our sugar board and had tons of questions about it so I thought I’d elaborate on some of the info!  If you missed the board it looked like this:
It’s a little shocking to see how much sugar is in the drinks we enjoy so much, isn’t it?! 
Here’s the deal about sugar……….  Sugar is a naturally occurring source of energy.  In moderation, our bodies need it and use it.  The kicker is the word MODERATION!  When we consume too much sugar, it enters our bloodstream and our bodies release insulin to get rid of it.  The excess insulin causes the sugar to be stored as body fat.  Yuck.  Let me tell you a little story to make it easier to understand……
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago…..there were people.  And the food in their land was very hard to come by.  They had to travel to find their food.  If they weren’t hunting it down….they were searching the world and gathering their food.  These people had bodies that were made to move and run and be used.  And their bodies were also created to store fat.  Since food was so hard to find, they needed to store any extra food they ate as fat.  That way in leaner times, their bodies still had an energy source to use.  And they all lived happily ever after.  Only that’s not exactly the end of the story.  Because things got easier for the people.  Cars were invented.  Stores popped up.  Food became bountiful and readily available!  But these people’s bodies didn’t change.  They’re still made to move.  And they’re still made to store fat to be used later as energy.  But later never comes.  L
Several months ago, a few of us at the Rec Center took a Sugar Free Week Challenge.  No sugar or artificial sweetener of any kind.  None.  I’m not going to lie.  It was awful.  Awful!  But it opened my eyes to how much sugar and artificial sweeteners are hidden in our foods.  Pastas, breads, lunch meat, soups, condiments, etc.  If we’re already consuming all of these hidden sugars, imagine what that does to our bodies when we consume stuff that we know are full of sugar (desserts, drinks, cookies, etc.).  And think you’re better off consuming sugar free and diet foods and drinks?  Nope.  These are filled with chemicals.   Aspartame aka Equal, Saccharin aka Sweet-N-Low, Sucralose aka Splenda.   These are not only dangerous chemicals to ingest, but they’re created to be sweeter than sugar.  Making you want even MORE sweets.  (By the way….studies show that people who switch to diet drinks actually gain more weight in the long run.)  Don’t believe me?  Google it.  It’s some really nasty stuff!
CONFESSION TIME!!!  I don’t want anyone to ever think that I’m sitting here behind my desk feeling all high and mighty.  I am human.  I make tons of mistakes.  And I was a diet soda addict for YEARS!!!  This past summer I decided to give up diet drinks to see if it helped me with some health issues I was having.  And boy did I see a difference!  Almost immediately!  And I haven’t gone back.  I haven’t had a diet soda since June.  And for those of you that know me… know this is HUGE deal!  I LOVE Diet Mountain Dew!!!!  But I love myself more.  And if it’s harming me….I had to give it up.
So what can you do?! Drop the artificial garbage and keep track of your sugar intake. I said it earlier…..MODERATION!!! I love desserts and sweets just like anyone else. Do I eat M&M’s and doughnuts? Yep. But not every day.  J  Sugar is a VERY broad topic and there is tons more I could have put in here. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me! And be looking for more memos about sugar in the future!  
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!  And enjoy trick or treating! J 

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