Friday, November 8, 2013

No Shave November

In October the world is draped in pink for breast cancer awareness.  So it seems only fair that dudes get a month too!  Welcome to No Shave November!!!
No Shave November is very simple.  Men are to put away their razors and let their facial hair grow for the entire month of November.  Even some women are getting in on the action these days and letting their underarms and legs grow wild!  And although many men are participating in this event just for fun, the original concept is to raise awareness for men’s prostate health.  The CDC says that excluding some forms of skin cancer, that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, no matter your race or ethnicity.  The American Cancer Society has many ways to donate to help raise awareness for prostate health!  So think about how much you spend annually on shaving supplies and donate that same amount to them!  And when December 1st gets here…..have fun shaving off the beard!  J
Have a great weekend!

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