Friday, November 22, 2013

Positive Thinking

You may be thinking, “What does positive thinking have to do with fitness, health and wellness?!”  My answer:  EVERYTHING!!!  Our day to day life is filled with negativity.  Negative thoughts.  Negative behaviors.  Negative people.  And we all know those kind of people.  The ones who are down and out about everything and never have a kind or encouraging word to say about anything or anyone.  So add in our health, our weight and our advancing age and it can become very discouraging!  That’s were positive thinking comes in!  When negative thoughts pop into your head about how challenging it would be to start a new workout or make some dietary changes, turn them into positive ones!  You CAN do it!  You WILL do it!  Successful people are the champions of positive thinking.  If someone has a goal and they think they can’t do it, well then they won’t.  It’s pretty simple. 
These positive vibes are also essential in our relationships.  Don’t be the Negative Nelly and constantly be telling people what’s wrong.  Focus on the POSITIVE!  Have you ever come into work in a great mood and someone totally zaps your mojo with their Debbie Downer attitude?  Don’t be that person!  Be kind to one another!  Encourage each other!  Make someone else feel good!  Build each other up!  Because we all know that life is FULL of hardships and trials.  We don’t need any help in that area.  But we DO need more positive thinking! J      
 I have two challenges for you today. 
  • The first one is for yourself.  When a negative thought comes creeping in your head (and it will), push it away and change it to something positive.  Example:  You are feeling ultra guilty for pigging out last night and eating a whole pizza and finishing off your kid’s Halloween candy.  Everytime you think of the extra 15+ pounds you need to lose you get more and more mad about your feast last night.  STOP!  Today is different.  Everyone (that’s right, EVERYONE) makes mistakes.  Decide you are going to do better today.  One meal will not make you give up!  You have all weekend to make better choices!  This was a minor setback and you WILL lose that weight!  You are worth it and YOU CAN DO IT!!!              
  • The second challenge is to help someone else out.  Say some nice, kind and encouraging words to someone.  Example:  You run to the store after work tonight.  In front of you in line is a mom with two bratty kids.  They are screaming.  They have runny noses.  You are very annoyed.  It’s Friday and you just wanted to pick up some milk and go home and relax!  Release all of those negative thoughts and step out of your comfort zone for a minute.  Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.  Smile at the mother and tell her something nice.  Maybe you tell her that her kids have nothing on yours when they were that age and you try to make her laugh.  Or maybe you tell her that you hope she has a great rest of her weekend.  Or maybe you try to distract the kids with a smile and a wave.  Whatever it is… reach out and are nice to someone! 
Positive thoughts and words are POWERFUL!!!!  You could be the difference in making someone have a crumby day, a cruddy day, an okay day, a pretty good day or an AWESOME day!  

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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