Friday, November 15, 2013


We’ve all heard the saying about working out:  NO PAIN…..NO GAIN!  And while there is definitely some truth behind it, you need to be able to differentiate between the various types of pain in order to stay safe and make the most of your workout.  Here are three types of pain that we may experience during exercise:
  1. Exercise Related Lactic Acidosis – During exercise, muscles metabolize or use sugar (glucose) for energy.  They use the glucose in your blood stream and also their own little storage houses called glycogen.  When you start exercising at a higher intensity, muscles begin to use glucose inefficiently.  This causes different chemical reactions to occur.  Lactic acid is created as a byproduct of these reactions and quickly builds up in the muscles.  You may experience this sensation by feeling a burning in your muscle or muscles.  These muscles may also become very fatigued and it becomes almost impossible to continue exercising at that level or intensity.  Lactic acidosis during exercise is not harmful and no treatment is necessary.  The body very quickly flushes away the excess lactic acid.  Think about someone who is new to exercise.  They go to do a set of pushups.  They do six and their arms and chest start to burn and shake.  They do two more pushups but that’s all they can physically do.  They stop.  The burning goes away.  That’s exercise related lactic acidosis. 
  2. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – Experts describe DOMS as the gradual muscle pain, soreness and discomfort experienced in the 24-72 hours after a workout.  The soreness is believed to be caused from microscopic tears in the muscle fibers.  These tears seem to be worse and cause more soreness from the eccentric or lengthening phase of an exercise.  Although it can be a little alarming and scary for new exercisers, DOMS is a completely normal process.  Even seasoned athletes and intense exercisers get sore.  It’s how the muscles grow and they get stronger.  Think of the pushup example.  This person may end up being sore in their chest area.  And that’s perfectly okay!
  3. Musculoskeletal Injury – Serious damage can occur if someone isn’t safe during exercise.  These injuries can be very painful and lead to permanent damage if ignored or left untreated.  Sprains, strains, stress fractures, tendonitis, shin splints, etc. are all very painful injuries that can occur while exercising.  And while DOMS can be painful, it is usually not present at rest.  Back to our pushup example.  If this person started having intense pain in the shoulder area and continued to have pain even after rest, then they may have injured it.   The best thing to do is see your doctor if you are unsure.      
So after reading this….is the saying still true?!  Maybe?  Sort of?  Sometimes?!  Only you can be the judge!  You need to know your body and understand your body’s personal threshold for pain and tolerance.  And if there’s ever anything that’s a sudden or sharp pain, stop what you’re doing.  You don’t want to risk getting an injury in order to complete a workout.  Be smart and be safe!!!  J

Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone!!!

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