Friday, December 4, 2015


Protein is an essential part of any healthy diet.  Your body needs protein to function at it’s top capacity!  Proteins are the building blocks for everything in your body.  They form enzymes, antibodies, hormones, hair, nails, bone, teeth, hemoglobin, neurotransmitters, skin…………..they are the basic component for any and all types of cells in the body.   Protein is required for the growth and maintenance of every kind of cell.  It actually forms enzymes, hormones and antibodies.  This promotes a healthy metabolism and boosts our nervous and immune system. 
Most of us know that protein can be found in all types of meat.  And lean meat is the best type to consume.  But maybe you don’t eat meat, like meat or tend to eat enough.  You can still get protein in many different forms!  Here are some meatless options for you!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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