Friday, April 10, 2015


I read an interesting article this week and I thought it was worth sharing! 
Celebrity trainer Tony Horton (creator of the P90X series of home workouts) was asked what he thought was the toughest thing for people in their quest to lose weight and stick with a fitness plan.  Here was his response: 
"The discipline of it. Being consistent with it. The expectations of how quickly things are going to change for them. That's the reason why most people stop in the first or second week, because it didn’t happen overnight.  I created the program to be 90 days — they’re all 90-day programs because sometimes, for a lot of people, they have a different starting point. If you have 125 pounds to lose and you’re 42 years old, you’re at a really different starting point than a 27-year-old ex-gymnast who has 9 pounds to lose.  So you have to kind of be ok with the process. Being ok having to modify, being ok with not being able to do a lot of the exercises initially. It’s not like anybody says ‘I want to climb Mt Everest’ and just straps on their gear and goes, you know, there’s a lot of steps between that thought and ending up on the summit, and losing weight and getting fit is the same thing."
Then they asked him what advise he would give to people focused on weight loss results. 
"My advice to people would be — take it slow. It’s an ebb and flow, you’re going to have good days and you’re going to have bad days, you’re going to feel strong, you’re going to feel weak. Pass your expectations, stop thinking about how you hope to look in the future and just kind of stay present.  My expression is ‘do your best and forget the rest.’ I’ve said it about 18 trillion times, and that’s what that is, that’s all that really is. Doing your best means showing up, being in the room and seeing what happens and not expecting the same performance that you did 20 years ago or that somebody else you know has done. It’s ever changing and being ok with reality. Reality is that thing that’s actually happening to you and if you can’t deal with that you’re always going to struggle."
I thought that was all VERY well said!  And I hope it helps everyone! 

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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