Thursday, April 2, 2015


How many of you have a had a date recently?!!  Not with your significant other!  I’m talking about the fruit! 
Dates are a fruit from the date palm tree and are one of the oldest cultivated fruits in history.  There are many different varieties of dates and they vary in size, color and texture.  They are a deliciously sweet fruit that is very versatile and surprisingly healthy!  And while they may look like scary cockroaches….they have TONS of benefits!  These are just a FEW:
  • Helps fight anemia – Dates have a high level of iron which can help those with iron deficiency anemia.
  • Treats constipation AND diarrhea – Sounds impossible, right?  But this fruit is rich in soluble fiber which can aid those struggling with uncomfortable bowel movements by creating a laxative effect.  But they also are high in potassium which helps manage loose bowels.  The fiber also provides bulk with can help promote a healthy digestive system.
  • Creates healthy bones – Dates have minerals such as selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium which can help strengthen bones and fight osteoporosis.  
  • Prevents abdominal cancer – Research shows that dates help to reduce the risk of stomach, renal, uterine, ovarian, pancreatic, liver and bowel or colorectal cancers.  
  • Treats intestinal disorders – Dates inhibit the growth of nasty organisms in our intestines.  They also promote the growth of friendly bacteria.
  • Good for the heart – The potassium in dates are also great for reducing the risk of stroke and other heart diseases.  They also lower LDL cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Treats allergies – Dates contain organic sulfur which is rare to find in foods.  One of the many benefits of organic sulfur is the reduction of allergic reactions and seasonal allergies.  
  • Treats night blindness – Daily consumption of dates helps keep the eyes healthy and prevents night blindness.
  • Promotes healthy teeth – Dates contain fluorine which is a chemical that inhibits tooth decay.
See?!  Dates are AWESOME!!!  And did I mention they were sweet?  Dates can be used to “healtherize” all kinds of recipes!  You can puree them to replace sugar.  It is a wonderful, natural sweetener!  Dates are also the main ingredient in the super healthy, super clean, Lara Bar.  They come in all kinds of delicious flavors!
And if those are too expensive (they are around $1.00 per bar), you can make your own Lara Bars.  There are TONS of recipes out there.  Here are a few super easy ones:
For each recipe, mix all ingredients in a food processor.  Shape into six bars.  Or roll into balls.  Your choice! 
Peanut Butter Cookie Bar
1 cup peanuts
1 cup dates
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bar
1 cup cashews
1 cup dates
1 cup chocolate chips
Chocolate Chip Brownie Bar
1 cup mixed almonds and walnuts
1 cup dates
1 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup cacao powder
Apple Pie Bar
1 cup mixed almonds and walnuts
1 cup dates
1 cup mixed raisins and dried apple
2 tbsp cinnamon
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Easter weekend!

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