Friday, January 16, 2015

New Year's Part Two

The number one New Year’s resolution made by Americans each year is to lose weight and/or exercise more.  A lot of people start the New Year off with a bang and jump into a workout plan.  This can work for some.  But for others………the may feel sore, hurt, discouraged and feel like a failure when they don’t meet their lofty goals.  Life sets in and when they aren’t running 5 miles by January 31st or going to the gym every night like they “resolved,” they feel let down and like a failure.  Guess what?  Life happens!!!  Missing a workout does not mean you are a failure.  It’s a journey.  You don’t give up!  You just keep on truckin.  Example:  You make a big pot of rice.  When you carry it to the table, a grain falls to the floor.  Do you throw out the whole pot of rice because you are missing one grain?  No!  You could take a couple of spoonfuls and slap them on the floor and it still wouldn’t matter.  Look at the whole pot!  It’s the same with working out.  Missing one workout doesn’t mean your whole journey is rotten so you should give up.  Look at the grand scheme of things! 
So are you ready for another “resolution” yet?  Well GOOD!  This week’s resolution or small change is to MOVE MORE!!!  I’m not asking everyone to join a gym or start running.  I just mean move!  Of course the goal is to partake in dedicated exercise.  But moving more will get us there!  J Here are some tips to help you find ways to move more!
  • Walk to the mailbox instead of checking the mail from your car.
  • Instead of sitting and reading, listen to books on tape as you walk, clean, or garden.
  • When cooking or baking, ditch the hand mixer and use a wooden spoon instead.
  • Drink lots of water. (You'll stand up for refills and trips to the bathroom.)
  • Stand up each time you talk on the phone.
  • Get rid of your garbage can; walk trash to the kitchen bin.
  • If you're buying only a few items, skip the cart and carry a basket.
  • When picking up your kids from school, get out of the car and greet them with a hug instead of waiting in the car curbside.
  • Join your kids when they break out the Wii, instead of just watching.
  • Rather than yell toward family members in other rooms, walk over to talk.
  • Wash your car instead of taking it through the car wash.
  • Preset the timer on your TV to turn off after an hour to remind you to do something more active.
  • Set your computer alarm to ring hourly--stand up for 1 to 5 minutes each time it goes off.
And there are about a BILLION more!  Just MOVE!!!  The rest will happen!  Just be patient and don’t be so hard on yourself!   J  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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