Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year's Part One

Happy 2015 everyone!  How is everyone enjoying this year so far?!!  Has anyone made any New Year’s Resolutions?  I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions…….I don’t think you have to have a certain date to make a healthy change in your life.  You can make changes ANY time!  But I get it!  There’s something about starting the year off right!  New year, new YOU!!!  So I’ve decided to spend the next few Fridays talking about some easy, simple steps we can all take to make this our healthiest year EVER!  And if you take your time and add in one small change a week……it might not seem so overwhelming!  And maybe, just maybe……….we can all be successful!  YAY!!!
So here’s your first “resolution” or simple change:  DRINK MORE WATER!  I know……I know……I’ve said it a million times.  But it is SOOO very important!   And it’s so easy to do!  Here it is in six easy steps:
  1. Walk to the closest sink.
  2. Hold your cup or bottle.
  3. Turn the water on.
  4. Fill your cup or bottle.
  5. Drink the water.
  6. REPEAT!    
Isn’t that SIMPLE?!!   J   
Dehydration can cause so many different ailments. 
  • Tired?  Drink water.  Being dehydrated causes fatigue.  As little as a 1 to 2% drop in body weight as water can cause fatigue.
  • Hungry?  Drink water.  Being dehydrated can mimic the signs of hunger.  You may not be hungry.  You may be thirsty! 
  • Constipated?  Drink water.  Water is very important for digestion.  It keeps things “moving,” helps flush out toxins and keeps the intestines in good shape!
  • Joints ache?  Drink water.  Water helps cushion joints and relieves aches and pains.
  • Skin looking dull?  Drink water.  Water is the fountain of youth for skin.  It hydrates and smooths skin.
Those are just a few benefits of upping your water intake.  Google it and you can find about a billion more! 
So you hate water and have trouble choking it down?  There are some easy ways to increase your water consumption.  Add fruits or veggies to your water.  Eat foods that are filled with water (watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, melon, etc.).  Carry water with you.  Start small by replacing one beverage a day with water.  Drink a full glass of water when you first wake up.  Set reminders on your phone or get a water reminder app.  Whatever you do…….just drink more!  It’s easy.  It’s quick.  And it’s FREE!   J 
I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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