Friday, January 30, 2015

New Year's Part Four

We are at the end of January and have reached my final New Year’s inspired Get Fit Friday Memo!  So I thought it would be good to talk about a subject that affects us all.  Stress. 
Everyone’s stress is different.  What you find stressful may not be what I consider stressful and vice versa.  But the body sees it all the same!  Whether you are stressing about finances, kids, health, bad habits, a dirty house, marital issues, sick family members, work issues or who is going to win the Super Bowl………….it’s all the same and it all wreaks havoc on our bodies!  So this week’s small change is to stress less.  I know it sounds way too simple but hear me out!  Check out the infographic below.  It shows some of the effects of stress as well as some simple solutions on ways to reduce it.  Because let’s be honest.  Stress isn’t going to go away.  We will always have things pop up and cause more stress.  But reducing it…..even just a little…..spells success in my book!  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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