Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation Edition

Meet Ernestine Shepherd. 

She is 76 years old.  Isn’t she beautiful?!  Here’s another picture of her.
And another.
Ernestine holds the Guinness World Record for being the Oldest Female Body Builder.  But here is the coolest thing about Ms. Ernestine.  She wasn’t always fit.  She was not an athlete.  She was a “well-padded school secretary.”  She was sedentary and called herself a “slug who never worked out a day in her life.”  And she lived that way until she was 56.  That’s when Ernestine and her sister went swimsuit shopping and after laughing at each other….decided it was time to get in shape.  So they started working out.  Ernestine’s sister passed away shortly after that, but Ernestine became determined to carry out what her and her sister had started.  She started slowly and bit by bit began to transform her body and her life.  She is now a personal trainer, a fitness model and a competitive bodybuilder.  She trains senior women five days a week encouraging them to reach their full physical potential! 
How amazing is she?!!  Do you get down on yourself that it’s too late or that you don’t have the time or that you’re too old to try something?  Well DON’T!!!  Let Ernestine be an inspiration to you!  It is NEVER too late!  Especially when we are talking about getting healthy!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Have a WONDERFUL rest of your week!  J

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