Friday, December 20, 2013


I don’t know about you……but I sure am helping myself to all of these Christmas goodies!  Oreo balls…..sugar cookies…..cake……fudge……..How can you pass up all of the delicious treats out there?!!  It really is difficult!  Well here are some helpful tips to help you make it through this party season!
  1. Never go to a party hungry!  Eat something before you go so you aren’t forced to overeat at the party.
  2. Drink water!  Not only is it amazing for you….but it can also fill your tummy so you don’t overindulge.  PLUS, it keeps your hands busy so you don’t feel so awkward!
  3. Stay away from the food station!  I am terribly guilty of this.  People tend to hover around the food table mindlessly eating hundreds of extra calories.  Move away from it!  Take your conversation to a less tempting area.
  4. Bring a healthy option!  Have you ever been somewhere where there are NO healthy food options?  Bring a fruit tray.  Bring a veggie tray.  Steam some broccoli.  You’ll tend to eat it if you brought it.
  5. Don’t wear your comfiest clothes!  This is a silly one but it’s still true.  If you are in your elastic band sweats….you can eat and eat and it doesn’t get uncomfortable.  But if you rock out those skinny jeans, you won’t be tempted to overindulge!   
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL holiday! 

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