Friday, December 27, 2013


Many people find that they are lactose intolerance.  This is where the body can’t digest lactase (a natural sugar found in milk and dairy).  For these people (and those people who don’t like milk or dairy) it becomes difficult to get in enough calcium.  Here are six foods that are a GREAT source of calcium!  

1. Sardines – 550 mg of calcium
2. Sesame Seeds – 825 mg calcium
3. Parsley – 179 mg calcium
4. Flaxseed – 211 mg calcium
5. Kale – 131 mg calcium
6. Almonds – 237 mg calcium
There you have it!  Eat up!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Friday, December 20, 2013


I don’t know about you……but I sure am helping myself to all of these Christmas goodies!  Oreo balls…..sugar cookies…..cake……fudge……..How can you pass up all of the delicious treats out there?!!  It really is difficult!  Well here are some helpful tips to help you make it through this party season!
  1. Never go to a party hungry!  Eat something before you go so you aren’t forced to overeat at the party.
  2. Drink water!  Not only is it amazing for you….but it can also fill your tummy so you don’t overindulge.  PLUS, it keeps your hands busy so you don’t feel so awkward!
  3. Stay away from the food station!  I am terribly guilty of this.  People tend to hover around the food table mindlessly eating hundreds of extra calories.  Move away from it!  Take your conversation to a less tempting area.
  4. Bring a healthy option!  Have you ever been somewhere where there are NO healthy food options?  Bring a fruit tray.  Bring a veggie tray.  Steam some broccoli.  You’ll tend to eat it if you brought it.
  5. Don’t wear your comfiest clothes!  This is a silly one but it’s still true.  If you are in your elastic band sweats….you can eat and eat and it doesn’t get uncomfortable.  But if you rock out those skinny jeans, you won’t be tempted to overindulge!   
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL holiday! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Morning Motivation Edition

Meet Ernestine Shepherd. 

She is 76 years old.  Isn’t she beautiful?!  Here’s another picture of her.
And another.
Ernestine holds the Guinness World Record for being the Oldest Female Body Builder.  But here is the coolest thing about Ms. Ernestine.  She wasn’t always fit.  She was not an athlete.  She was a “well-padded school secretary.”  She was sedentary and called herself a “slug who never worked out a day in her life.”  And she lived that way until she was 56.  That’s when Ernestine and her sister went swimsuit shopping and after laughing at each other….decided it was time to get in shape.  So they started working out.  Ernestine’s sister passed away shortly after that, but Ernestine became determined to carry out what her and her sister had started.  She started slowly and bit by bit began to transform her body and her life.  She is now a personal trainer, a fitness model and a competitive bodybuilder.  She trains senior women five days a week encouraging them to reach their full physical potential! 
How amazing is she?!!  Do you get down on yourself that it’s too late or that you don’t have the time or that you’re too old to try something?  Well DON’T!!!  Let Ernestine be an inspiration to you!  It is NEVER too late!  Especially when we are talking about getting healthy!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Have a WONDERFUL rest of your week!  J

Friday, December 6, 2013


You may see lots of pumpkin flavored items in the fall, but during the winter a favorite flavor is peppermint!  
Peppermint mochas, peppermint bark, candy canes, peppermint brownies, peppermint M & M’s……….. And while all of the added sugar in some of these items isn’t exactly healthy, peppermint itself has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries.  Peppermint comes in different forms including leaves, oils, teas, extract and pills.  It’s also a common ingredient in many ointments. Below are some of the health benefits of peppermint.
  • Treats Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome – When used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, peppermint should be taken as enteric coated capsules, which can reduce side effects, such as heartburn.
  • Helps Ease Tension Headaches – Studies have indicated peppermint oil may help reduce certain types of headaches, such as those caused by tension, according to American Family Physician. The peppermint oil should be massaged onto the temples or the forehead at the first sign of a tension headache.
  • Reduces Bacteria Growth – According to Whole Foods, essential oil of peppermint acts as an anti-microbial and may reduce growth in various types of bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella.
  • Improves Breathing – Peppermint may help improve breathing in a few ways. It contains rosmarinic acid, which may help reduce chemicals which cause inflammation in asthma. Peppermint also contains menthol, which can help thin mucus and allow it to be coughed out of the lungs or drain from the nose more efficiently, which improves breathing. Menthol is also considered a decongestant and can help reduce nasal congestion.
  • Minimizes Nausea – Drinking peppermint tea or sucking on a hard peppermint candy may help reduce nausea. The exact reason why peppermint can ease an upset stomach is not clear, but it may be partially due to the fact peppermint can help relax the smooth muscles of the intestines.
  • Treats Indigestion – Indigestion is one the most common medical complaints experienced by most people at some point in their life. Although there are dozens of medications on the market to treat indigestion, taking peppermint may be a suitable alternative for some people. It is important to understand, peppermint may not work for everyone when treating indigestion, and in some people it can lead to heartburn.
  • Soothes Skin Irritations – When applied directly to the skin, peppermint may help reduce certain types of skin irritations, such as rashes and hives. Peppermint oil or ointment containing peppermint can be applied to the skin to ease itching and discomfort. Although it will not speed-up healing of the skin, it reduces discomfort with its cooling effect.
  • Stress Relief – As with many types of essential oils, peppermint can have a relaxing affect and help reduce stress. When used for stress reduction, place a few drops of peppermint essential oil into a burner and light. Relax in a quiet place or a warm bath, exhaling and inhaling the aroma slowly.
  • Relieves Intestinal Gas – Peppermint may help reduce intestinal gas by relaxing the smooth muscles of the intestine. As the muscles relax, it may allow gas to pass and ease abdominal discomfort. When taken for gas relief, add peppermint extract or leafs to a cup of tea.
  • May Reduce Muscle Pain – Peppermint can also be used to reduce mild pain. Menthol, which is one of the main components in peppermint, may reduce muscle spasm and pain when applied to the skin. Peppermint oil can be massaged into the sore muscle three times a day or add a few drops to a warm bath. An alternative to using peppermint oil is applying a muscle ointment, which lists peppermint as one of its ingredients.
So there you have it!  Here are some great reasons to eat those peppermint candies sitting around!  Just make sure it’s not too many!  J  And as with any treatment, make sure you consult your physician before you take peppermint for ailments.  Peppermint in high doses can cause other health problems!

Have a great weekend!!!