Friday, August 15, 2014


We can all agree that there is a lot of negativity in the world.  I’m sure most of us don’t have to think very hard to come up with a person in their life that is constantly complaining and dragging them down.  Nobody needs that!!!  This is the same for fitness.  You think you’re doing good and one knucklehead says one negative comment to you and BOOM!!!  You feel defeated.  Don’t be that person!  I challenge you to:   
Encourage your fellow coworker, church member, grocery store check-out clerk, child, customer, spouse, etc!  Did you hear that?  ENCOURAGE them!!!  They may need it today!  Tell someone they are doing a GREAT job and that you appreciate them!  Health and wellness is not 100% about what you eat or how you exercise.  It’s also about your mental well-being!    
I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend and that you work hard to be a STRONG person!!!


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