Friday, August 29, 2014


If you didn’t already know, tomorrow is the Habitat Mud Run.  Hundreds of people (runners, workers and volunteers) will gather together and get their mud on here at the park!  It’s a great time to give to the community, be active and HAVE FUN!!!  Now getting muddy isn’t for everyone, but it does bring up a good point………sometimes you just have to be wild and crazy!  I’ve driven by that giant mud pit out front for weeks now.  It looks disgusting.  There is no way I would get in it.  However………….tomorrow I will slide into that pit with a smile on my face!  Sometimes all it takes is your friends and a good cause to bring out your wild side!  
I know that it’s very easy to get in a rut in life.  And especially when you talk about fitness.  You do the same things you’ve always done because that’s the way it’s always been!  But it’s great to try new things!  NEW things can help you get NEW results!  It doesn’t have to be a mud run!  Just something different!  You’ll never know if you like something until you try it!  Trail running, Crossfit, horseback riding, step class, golf, archery, yoga, barre classes, roller blading, Tai Chi, Insanity, America Ninja Warriors, kickboxing, longboarding, wake surfing, pickleball, shuffleboard, parkour, disc golf, swimming, rock polishing (Is anyone still reading this?!), hoola hooping, treadmill, Zumba……….. You get the idea!  There are so many different and creative things to try!  Get out of your comfort zone and TRY IT!!!
For all those individuals involved in putting on the Mud Run and making it happen………..
THANK YOU!!!  We appreciate you so very much! 

And to all of the participants running tomorrow……………
GOOD LUCK and BE SAFE!!!  Maybe I will see you there!  I’ll be the one in brown.  J
And to everyone else…………………
Have a SPECTACULAR weekend!!!

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