Friday, August 29, 2014


If you didn’t already know, tomorrow is the Habitat Mud Run.  Hundreds of people (runners, workers and volunteers) will gather together and get their mud on here at the park!  It’s a great time to give to the community, be active and HAVE FUN!!!  Now getting muddy isn’t for everyone, but it does bring up a good point………sometimes you just have to be wild and crazy!  I’ve driven by that giant mud pit out front for weeks now.  It looks disgusting.  There is no way I would get in it.  However………….tomorrow I will slide into that pit with a smile on my face!  Sometimes all it takes is your friends and a good cause to bring out your wild side!  
I know that it’s very easy to get in a rut in life.  And especially when you talk about fitness.  You do the same things you’ve always done because that’s the way it’s always been!  But it’s great to try new things!  NEW things can help you get NEW results!  It doesn’t have to be a mud run!  Just something different!  You’ll never know if you like something until you try it!  Trail running, Crossfit, horseback riding, step class, golf, archery, yoga, barre classes, roller blading, Tai Chi, Insanity, America Ninja Warriors, kickboxing, longboarding, wake surfing, pickleball, shuffleboard, parkour, disc golf, swimming, rock polishing (Is anyone still reading this?!), hoola hooping, treadmill, Zumba……….. You get the idea!  There are so many different and creative things to try!  Get out of your comfort zone and TRY IT!!!
For all those individuals involved in putting on the Mud Run and making it happen………..
THANK YOU!!!  We appreciate you so very much! 

And to all of the participants running tomorrow……………
GOOD LUCK and BE SAFE!!!  Maybe I will see you there!  I’ll be the one in brown.  J
And to everyone else…………………
Have a SPECTACULAR weekend!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Strength Training

Do you strength train?!  If not….it’s never too late!  Strength training has numerous benefits!!!  As we get older we start to lose muscle mass.  And for females it seems to happen SUPER fast!!!  So we all need to be working out those muscles and increasing (or at least maintaining) our strength!  Here is a great infographic on the reasons we should all be strength training.
Isn’t that great?!!  Incorporating strength training into your daily life is very easy!  Here are some ways to do it!

Groceries!!!  Carrying bags to your car, from your car to the house and putting everything away can all be used to strengthen your body. Bonus points if you throw in a couple of bicep curls with the milk!!!  Make sure you’re lifting and lowering heavy items the correct way and not straining your back.  Always use your legs for power!

Take the Stairs!!!  Not only does taking the stairs increase muscle strength, it also burns calories, strengthens your heart and sculpts your body. Next time you’re waiting around for the elevator to come, think about how your body would benefit from climbing those floors instead of riding up to them.
Housework!!!  When vacuuming try to use your arm, back and abdominal muscles to push the vacuum. When loading the dishwasher, maintain good posture as you do those squats! Scrubbing floors, cleaning the bathtub, gardening, and mowing the lawn are great ways to add in some extra strength training!  And don’t even get me started on raking or shoveling!  That’s a big workout!!!
Waiting!!!  There are many moments throughout the day for you to fit in a bit of exercise, even if it's only for a minute or two. Think about how often during the day you are given some extra time:  waiting for water to boil, waiting for the family to come to the table, waiting for someone to email you back, waiting for a young child to finish eating, waiting for the hot water to get hot, waiting for the copier to finish making 100 more copies, waiting for a turn in the bathroom, during TV commercials, talking on the phone…………These are all GREAT times to do a little strength training!  You can easily do some wall sits, counter push-ups, calf raises, planks, even bicep curls with food cans!
And of course there are a BILLION ways to strengthen those muscles with dedicated exercises!  So go ahead and lift those weights!!!  Have a great weekend!


Friday, August 15, 2014


We can all agree that there is a lot of negativity in the world.  I’m sure most of us don’t have to think very hard to come up with a person in their life that is constantly complaining and dragging them down.  Nobody needs that!!!  This is the same for fitness.  You think you’re doing good and one knucklehead says one negative comment to you and BOOM!!!  You feel defeated.  Don’t be that person!  I challenge you to:   
Encourage your fellow coworker, church member, grocery store check-out clerk, child, customer, spouse, etc!  Did you hear that?  ENCOURAGE them!!!  They may need it today!  Tell someone they are doing a GREAT job and that you appreciate them!  Health and wellness is not 100% about what you eat or how you exercise.  It’s also about your mental well-being!    
I hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend and that you work hard to be a STRONG person!!!


Friday, August 1, 2014


What is inflammation?!  Inflammation is how the body helps protect us from infection and fight off things like bacteria and viruses.  It is also necessary to help promote healing when there is an injury.  But sometimes things go awry and the inflammation process goes haywire.  There is no foreign substance to fight off but the inflammation process is still being triggered.  You may be thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Cara……..How does this apply to me?”  Many of us suffer from some kind of joint pain, correct?  Knees, back, shoulders, neck…….just achy!  This is inflammation!  Some of this may actually be from injuries or conditions, but some of it could be triggered by your diet?! 
Now some of this may be hard to hear……….. I’m about to tell you that some of your favorite foods are causing this pain.  But by eliminating them, you may feel better!  Here is a list of some of the top foods that cause inflammation:
  1. White sugar and sweets, including soft drinks and sweetened juices.  Newer research is showing that sugar is one of the most addictive substances you can use. It’s also highly inflammatory.  
  2. Synthetic sweeteners (Nutrasweet, Splenda, saccharin, aspartame, AminoSweet, etc.)—research links these nasty substances lead to many serious health conditions. I avoid them like the plague.
  3. The “3 Ps”–Processed, packaged, or prepared foods.  And, yes, fast food is atop the list of inflammatory foods thanks to the harmful oils, sugar and artificial sweeteners, food additives, and a whole host of nasty ingredients.
  4. Hydrogenated and trans fats found in margarine, shortening, lard or products made with them.  That includes baked goods, cookies, pies, buns.
  5. Fried foods (French fries, onion rings, potato chips, nachos, hamburgers, etc.).  I think these items speak for themselves.
  6. Food additives: colors, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.  Some of the main ones include sulfites, benzoates, and colors named FD&C #”X.” Unfortunately, many foods consumed by children are loaded with these harmful, toxic ingredients.
  7. Dairy products (yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, butter, cheese, etc.). The reasons dairy products are inflammatory are too lengthy to list here, but today’s dairy products are packed with hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful ingredients so avoid them as much as possible.
  8. Wheat products.  Wheat is highly acid-forming and inflammatory in the body. Worse, most wheat available now is genetically-modified (GM). Many serious health conditions are starting to be linked to GM wheat consumption.
  9. Other gluten-containing grains.  Gluten is found in most grains and is highly inflammatory. Choose grains or seeds like buckwheat, quinoa, or millet for your baking.
  10. Alcohol.  High in sugar and a burden to the liver, alcohol is very inflammatory to the body.
So after that list…………what SHOULD you eat?!!  Here’s your list of foods that help eliminate inflammation: 
  1. Wild Alaskan Salmon:  Salmon contains anti-inflammatory omega-3s (wild is better than farmed) and has been known to help numerous ailments. Try and incorporate oily fish into your diet twice weekly. If you don't like fish, try a high quality fish supplement.
  2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: The secret to longevity in Mediterranean culture, this oil provides a healthy dose of fats that fights inflammation, can help lower risks of asthma and arthritis, as well as protect the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower are all loaded with antioxidants. Naturally detoxifying, they can help rid the body of possible harmful compounds.
  4. Blueberries: Blueberries not only reduce inflammation, but they can protect the brain from aging and prevent diseases, such as cancer and dementia. Aim for organic berries, as pesticides are hard to wash away due to their size.
  5. Turmeric: This powerful Asian spice contains a natural anti-inflammatory compound, curcumin, which is often found in curry blends. It is said to have the same effect as over-the counter pain relievers (but without their side effects).
  6. Ginger: Ginger contains a host of health benefits. Among them, it helps reduce inflammation and control blood sugar. Ginger tea is a great addition to any diet.
  7. Garlic: Though a little more inconsistent (in terms of research), garlic can help reduce inflammation, regulate glucose and help your body fight infection.
  8. Green Tea: Like produce, this tea contains anti-inflammatory flavonoids that may even help reduce the risks of certain cancers.
  9. Sweet Potato: A great source of complex carbs, fiber, beta-carotene, manganese and vitamin B6 and C, these potatoes actually help heal inflammation in the body.
  10. Kelp:  High in fiber, this brown algae extract helps control liver and lung cancer, douses inflammation, and is anti-tumor and anti-oxidative. Kombu, wakame and arame are good sources. 
So try it!  If you are feeling bad……….if you have complaints about your joints……….if you wake up tired and sore……….TRY IT!!!  Change your diet!  Food is medicine!  I know I may sound like a hippie, but it’s true!  There are so many ways to heal your body with foods!   It’s Nature’s medicine! J  

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!