Friday, March 14, 2014


Spring is right around the corner and with it will come short sleeve shirts and tank tops!  Unfortunately, this reveals a big problem area for most of us women!  Our triceps!!!  Who likes feeling the back of your arm flap when you wave?!  Not me!  I always say it looks like I’m waving a flag!  Yuck!  And while most people think working out the biceps alone is the most important thing for a shapely arm, the triceps actually make up more area than your biceps!  Triceps are also crucial in many of our movements.  Whenever something is being pushed or requires the arm to extend, the triceps muscle is heading the movement!  So it’s obvious we need to work our triceps, right?!  Well…..I’ve said it before.  There is no such thing as spot reduction.  That means that I can’t just exercise my triceps and expect the fat to melt away.  Remember that the main reason we carry fat where we do is genetics!  But exercising this area and gaining muscle there WILL make it appear leaner and more shapely.  Triceps exercises are easy to do and many of them require no equipment!  That means you can do them ANYWHERE!!!  Here are a few of the top triceps exercises to get your muscles strong and lean!!!

There are many, many more but this should get you started!  And when choosing your weight remember that even though the triceps are bigger than the biceps, they are more underdeveloped and weaker.  Don’t let that scare you!  They have the ability to build very quickly! 
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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