Friday, March 28, 2014


Have you thought about your cooking oils recently?  Take a peek in your cabinet.  What all do you have?  Vegetable Oil?  Canola Oil?  Olive Oil?  Most of us would have similar things.  But did you know that there are BIG differences in oils?  Some are processed in a factory (no good).  Some are good for high heat, others for lower heat.  Some oils are actually healthy for you!!!  Did you hear that?!!  OILS CAN BE GOOD!!!  It just depends on what kind you use……….  Take a good look at this graphic:   
Things to notice are whether or not the oil is refined, bleached or deodorized.  You want oils that have natural or no processing.  Also take a look at the effects of each oil.  Notice that some of the oils actually have health benefits!  That’s GREAT news!  Coconut oil in particular has a giant list of health benefits.  But some people worry about the fact that it has over 90% saturated fat.  It really just depends on who you talk to on whether this type of saturated fat is a concern.  Some swear that any saturated fat is bad for your heart while others argue that saturated fat from coconuts is harmless and actually helps lower risk of heart disease.  These people believe it’s more due to the over processed oils like corn, canola and safflower oils.  So the jury is still out!

So do your research!  See what’s out there!  There are tons of different kinds of healthy oils out there.  Grapeseed, avocado, sesame seed…………Get crazy!!!  I’ve been cooking more with coconut oil recently and my kids seem to LOVE it!  They think I’ve been cooking with honey it’s so good!   
I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

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